What triggers you anxiety the easiest and how do you handle it?


Active member
We all have certain triggers which cause our anxiety to highten and it seems to me these could be anything from walking alone to even having to buy something in the shop.

I would just like to know what is your primary trigger for your anxiety and how you choose to deal with it?


Well-known member
spontaneous action. like if someone out of nowhere decide to talk to me, I have a hard time dealing with it. the only way for me to deal with it is to end the conversation. It often doesn't matter if i know the person or not


If i don't eat a lot of protein in the morning, I've noticed I won't be able to feel comfortable in public because I'll feel light-headed.

And when a stranger catches me off guard and asks me a question, that I know the answer to even, I won't be able to formulate a response. 'duh I don't know'....Whatever, this sort of thing doesn't bother me, not anymore. I'll just concern myself with more important things.


Well-known member
Strangely, it's when people are very nice to me.It's not like I want people to be rude or anything, but I prefer to be ignored.I just can't handle too much niceness.I'm much calmer around unfriendly people.


Well-known member
spontaneous action. like if someone out of nowhere decide to talk to me, I have a hard time dealing with it. the only way for me to deal with it is to end the conversation. It often doesn't matter if i know the person or not

yeah, this! i always give brief, generic answers to kind of escape as quickly as possible. (AVPD)


Well-known member
I would say my worst situation is to walk into a room where people are talking and having to interrupt and ask a question of someone. Also walking into any social situation where people have already grouped up and engaged with each other. Well that's probably worse than the first scenario but I tend to avoid it so it doesn't come up as often.


Just having to have a conversation with someone I'm not comfortable with.That's my main anxiety and what it seems to center around.

I don't handle it very well right now,but I'm planning on doing a little work with my therapist and some c.b.t to change things in baby steps,so I hopefully feel more confident about myself and change my thinking habits.That's the theory anyway.


Well-known member
Like others Spontaneity. If I am unable to run to a schedule, 9 times out of 10 I don’t follow through with the occasion.


Well-known member
My biggest triggers are having to do group projects and being called in class to answer a question. I always fail at trying to deal with them because I react too quickly to slow myself down. There's this whole process where I feel paralyzed for the first few seconds, then my heart pounds like crazy and then I'll hyperventilate and my hands will tremble. Fond memories -_____-

Fear of people

Well-known member
We all have certain triggers which cause our anxiety to highten and it seems to me these could be anything from walking alone to even having to buy something in the shop.

I would just like to know what is your primary trigger for your anxiety and how you choose to deal with it?

Walking out side my front door with my neighbours out side triggers my anxiety off...feeling embarrassed and believing they are staring or laughing at me because I hardly venture outside anyways.

I hide back inside my shell with all doors closed and blinds shut is how I deal with it.:eek:


Active member
Thanks to all that have answered the question so far, the scary part for me though is that the main method of dealing with these situations is avoidance. Surely this way the anxiety or panic is slowly but surely begining to rob people of their quality of life?

Before I started speaking to crowds of people, I also thought that it would be difficult and I might not always know what to say or how the crowd would react to what I said, but further down the line I pushed myself into this situation and after a while ended up loving it and actually making it a very active part of my life.

There was definately a lot of discomfort involved in getting out of my comfort zone in the begining, but this is true whenever we get out of our comfort zones as we start to grow.

I chose however to adopt the Kaizen Principle and took the first small step and then continued to take these small steps in a forward direction, in other words constant and never ending improvement. It really worked for me and nowadays I apply this principle to every aspect of my life.

Please keep on letting those triggers come as this might be of great help to everyone.


Active member
Please tell me this thread wasn't some convoluted sales pitch.

Stephen, sorry if you see it that way as it is not the way it was intended, it is definately not a sales pitch, just sharing what has worked for me. There are many places which document the Kaizen Principle, so please feel free to study the principle in any form you wish, it really works and I feel could benefit many peoples lives.

sorry if this seemed like a sales pitch in anyway, I am truly just trying to add value.


Well-known member
So the fact that your sig points to a very similar short course is pure coincidence? Call me cynical...