What's the point?


Well-known member
you say this, but what's the point of enjoying life if we are gonna die anyways. may as well end it now ::(:

Why not try to enjoy life as much as we can before we die? We only get one shot at life, we might as well make the most of it. What are you planning on accomplishing by killing yourself?


Well-known member
Why not try to enjoy life as much as we can before we die? We only get one shot at life, we might as well make the most of it. What are you planning on accomplishing by killing yourself?

I'm with you here

to me, the purpose of life is to live

so we should live as fully and completely as we can

no holding back

hiding, avoiding, running, from life and limiting ourselves - are all acts of bad faith toward our intended purpose

we should seek to overcome these behaviors for this, if for no other reason


Well-known member
Ah, existentialism. nice long word isn't it... up yours Jean-Paul Sartre!

anyways, i'd say you're better off forgetting about being pointless, because no one will care. trust me, i know very well, i'm one of those lost kids from 80's britain.

the best way to deal with it is to say to yourself, crikey!!! i'm a human being damn it, my life has meaning!

my bro died when i was young and i helped my mum bury him. i'm still a mess inside, but you've got to get mad to get even.

underground music is my claim to life. i learnt to play the piano and about audio hardware and software, engineering and cutting vinyl records, dj'ing out if i'm happy enough to leave the house LOL and i learnt to read and write, all from out of my bedroom.

give your own life meaning, because no one else will, however, you'll find people will help you without a secondary motive. please don't write yourself off.

my two pence.


Well-known member
Ah, existentialism. nice long word isn't it... up yours Jean-Paul Sartre!

anyways, i'd say you're better off forgetting about being pointless, because no one will care. trust me, i know very well, i'm one of those lost kids from 80's britain.

the best way to deal with it is to say to yourself, crikey!!! i'm a human being damn it, my life has meaning!

my bro died when i was young and i helped my mum bury him. i'm still a mess inside, but you've got to get mad to get even.

underground music is my claim to life. i learnt to play the piano and about audio hardware and software, engineering and cutting vinyl records, dj'ing out if i'm happy enough to leave the house LOL and i learnt to read and write, all from out of my bedroom.

give your own life meaning, because no one else will, however, you'll find people will help you without a secondary motive. please don't write yourself off.

my two pence.

My two pence =) Love Britain. Anyways I agree with everything here - yet - I still write myself off. As many do here. I think - cheesy and cliche as saying life is whatever you make of it, YOU make - is true. But knowing that and actually "MAKING" it are different animals. That is I guess - making it the way you WANT it to be. For I am technically thus "making" it all the time I just no like what I'm making now. (I am also baked as I write this so apologies if this gets funky =)

That's the struggle for me anyways - to get there. All this internal suffering sometimes I feel is a type of purgatory - feels like that much of the time. For I don't and won't suicide and take the "easy" way out. There's a part of me that NEEDS to get to the top of the mountain or close to it.

And yet can't live my life and MAKE what I will of it... what I make of it now is what it is now - self misery. I hope to struggle free of it all ONE DAY - may be a LONG TIME from now. But if I can - maybe be worth it all the pain. I just have to know what it feels like to live that way - being CONTENT and thus HAPPY - or happier or more content as even ppl that dont feel how we do may say they aren't those things - I guess just boiling down to being accepting of my life and living it and really FEEL like living it. Not just for fleeting moments which I think a lot of us can say whether a few seconds or a day - but then go back to scrapping the **** deck. No I want to be on top and feel the good feelings all the time and the bad/negative poop deck feelings being those fleeting moments.


Well-known member
Your aim in life is to find meaning for YOURSELF, whatever that is. If you don't believe in that, just do whatever you want. If you are going to kill yourself anyway, why waste a good opportunity for existing, go and buy your favourite ice cream. I think all the good things combined makes existing worth it. The bad things will happen to everybody, it's up to you how you process that.


Well-known member
Why not try to enjoy life as much as we can before we die? We only get one shot at life, we might as well make the most of it. What are you planning on accomplishing by killing yourself?

shorten my suffering. I admit life can be good sometimes but i find on a general basis i'm suffering a lot more then being happy


Well-known member
shorten my suffering. I admit life can be good sometimes but i find on a general basis i'm suffering a lot more then being happy

I agree that life sucks but it's not worth killing yourself over. Although life sucks, there are enough positive things that you have that make life worth living. Life is too short and precious to end early. You may think you have it bad, but there are many other people that have it worse than you. Think about what it would be like to be blind or deaf. Or think about all the starving people in undeveloped countries. Instead of complaining about how bad you have it, you should be thanking God you have what you have such as food on the table, a roof over your head, eyesight, and hearing.