What's your favourite weather/time of the day?

What's your favourite weather/time of the day?

  • Morning

    Votes: 9 39.1%
  • Noon/afternoon

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Evening

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Night

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • Sunny

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Cloudy

    Votes: 4 17.4%
  • Foggy

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Rainy

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • Snowy

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Windy

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Cold

    Votes: 8 34.8%
  • Warm

    Votes: 7 30.4%
  • Hot

    Votes: 2 8.7%

  • Total voters


Well-known member
A couple of days ago daylight saving time was over. The sun goes down at like 5pm and since it's november more and more evenings are foggy. I just love that. I love this time of the year when there's no rain only fog. How about you?


Well-known member
Hmm, I think I prefer early morning to any other time. Before 9 o'clock. I really prefer cold weather over warm weather, so I'll vote snow. I like snow.


Well-known member
I don't have favorite weather, but if I'm in a foul mood and it's sunny out, that really irritates me. I like the weather to match my moods. In general I prefer warm over cold, because the cold makes my chronic pain issues worse.


Well-known member
I like nighttime more - seeing as everyone else is asleep; it's the time when I feel the most safe.

I also prefer warm weather so that I can function.
Bad circulation makes it impossible to move when it's cold out.
I don't mind being hot all the time but the constant sweating gets annoying~ :rolleyes:


Well-known member
As for my favorite time of day, I like early mornings for some reason. Nighttime is okay, but I tend to have more anxiety then. I don't know why.

As far as weather is concerned, I HATE summer heat. I like when it's rainy/snowy. I love autumn and wintertime the best.


Well-known member
Snowy Mornings. When you wake early and take the first glimpse out of the window and everything is clean and crisp and untouched by the busy rush of life. I always open the door to venture outside but don't want to touch the snow and ruin the peace.

Then all the kids get up and make it all messy. When that happens I get the snowboard out.


Well-known member
I love the evening and night. I'm so much more focused and at ease. I also love walking around campus at night. Hardly anyone around and it's pretty quiet, so I enjoy it.

As for weather, I like warm and cool/slightly cold days. I hate humidity, really cold weather, and really hot weather. I like everything to just be moderate. Oh, and while I like sunny days, I like cloudy days even more. Not gloomy rainy days though. Rainy days make me depressed and sleepy.


not actually Fiona Apple
I like mornings because I feel most refreshed and have a whole the who day ahead of me still, so much potential. Snowy/foggy weather is nice, to look at and walk through. And coldness means no sweating and everyone is all bundled up, and I like snow clothes
I definitely prefer the morning. I feel my best just after sleeping and I have not done anything bad for the day yet.
Nightime is bad because I am usually beating my self up mentally for all the things I did wrong during the day. I love the mornings and starting a new day with a clean page.:)


My ideal weather is sunny and dry, pleasantly warm but not too hot. Time of the day afternoon/evening. Worst is rainy, damp and cold. Foggy or snowy is OK.. I like snow as well but summer is more pleasant.


Well-known member
I like my days much like my love life: cold and dark. Fog and/or rain is an added bonus. :D

Crap, I forgot to click on windy, too. I often feel more alive and inspired when things are a bit turbulent. Except when that turbulence is of the inner variety, of course....


This is a really funny post because me and my froend were talking about this the other day....i prefer early morning...cause there's less people about....so my anxiety is less likely to kick off...and cold, wet weather cause you can hide under a brolly and hardly anyone is about. I dread summer...too many people!


Well-known member
My favourite time of day is night because I can feel safer and everything seems better at night. I can be by myself and relax. In terms of weather, I generally like moderate weather or cold weather.


Well-known member

Gosh, surprising results.

I know I tend to drift nocturnal if I don't have any responsibilities pegging me back. I think it's because night-time feels safer: nobody has any expectations of me at 2am.

As for the cold/snowy thing I have no clue but I agree with you.


Well-known member
My favorite is warm summer evenings, when it's light until almost bed time, but not too hot, and if I want I can make a fire and stay up late.

I absolutely hate this cold, overcast, dark gloomy winter weather. It depresses me to no end.