what's your nightmare?


Well-known member
My life is a nightmare, I don't have a life, I hide all day, talking to people makes me feel sick and I tend to either fall over because I'm dizzy or I just completely ignore them and focus on not falling over, which people seem to think its Ok to judge me for, I am a nightmare....


Well-known member
My job right now as a "sales specialist" is a nightmare. I am burning the entire day. I'm apparently not any good at it, and they are sending me back to my old store next week. It's kind of lucky.


New member
I'm in part of the worst scenarios of how my life would end up totally alone. I just want to have a group of friends, a social life, and girlfriend. In the back of my mind I just keep hearing Napoleon Dynamite saying "What The Heck Would You Do In A Situation Like That?"

It was really really really stupid of me to be thinking (while I was in high school) that I could be working at Microsoft, have and have million dollars in my account, and find the perfect woman all by the time I'm 24. 8O

I can't really talk to girls, way too shy. I have a really dry personality, monotone quite voice and I'm usually underachieving and over expecting ...... I'm also too picky about girls (weight, intelligence, desire for kids, beauty) and don't have much offer in return being a broke college student. It seems like most people started to date around 14-18, if they were up sh*t creek they had the first date by about 20. I'm defiantly in no mans land now at 22. If I haven't even gotten to the kissing part or heck holding hands. I'm never going to get a girlfriend or if I do she will be really flawed and left over when all the good ones are gone. Then will break up because I expected too much.
My worst nightmare at the moment is waking up tommorow and still being me doing the same things for an eternity.

My life sucks and things are really really dificult right now :cry:


Well-known member
for some reasons my nightmares while i sleep are always about some crook who want to cut me with a knife.

sometime im bruce lee, sometimes i cant do a thing.