What's your Optimal Iontophoresis Setup?

I'm not sure if this thread exists but in any case I'd like to get an idea of everyone's optimal iontophoresis setup. For the past 2 weeks I've been playing around with my homemade setup to find what works best and just wanted to get some ideas.

Mine is as follows,

Voltage: 19.3
Solution: simple tap water (hard water)
Water Temp: warm
Water level: filled past my toes
Duration: 40 minutes (20 minutes per polarity)

(Note) I place my feet in aluminum baking pans.
Hey I use two 9v recahargeable batteries in series= 18v output and use stainless steel serving trays with normal warm tap water.. I use on my hands fo 30minutes. 15minutes each polarity. It works great but my fingertips still sweat a bit