Where are the SP people??


New member
Do you see someone in your life has SP?

I am the only on this world.. I visit this site, then i know other people like me.. But in real life i don't remember i seen someone?? Where are they??

You know what? I am worry i can not get married.. How can i face to all those people?? All gonna understand eveything.... At the first minute.

You give me one day without SP, let me marry...................!!!!


Well-known member
I could hardly understand your post. But I think you asked if we know anyone who has SP? Like whats they rush to marry? I know no one who has SP, except for the people on this site. I know it will be real hard for someone who has not SP understand what it is like to have this condition. Don't get married just because you think that is the only person who will like you and no one else.


New member
Can't understand?

All my friends saw me, my face gets red.. They knows I might stop responding during conversation. I can not make a joke, or i can not finish.. They know it, so we can say they saw SP people.. But i did not!

Marriage is another subject for my pain.. Not connected with "you seen anyone has SP"..


Well-known member
I have met others with the condition. I did not realise that they had it when I first met them.

Something which you must bear in mind is that its not like we all have SP tatooed on our foreheads. Also not all SPers exhibit the exact same symptoms. For instance some may blush a lot more than others.


Active member
Well, nomane, thats the whole point of Sp, being socially avodant, so your not likely to find any fellow SP sufferers. I know how that feels like too, its like your in a sea of sharks and your the only fish, but the fish could be hiding behind the sharks? I dont know but the point is they are out there, just got to weed 'em out.


My boyfriend has the same anxiety, of course we met on a board for social anxiety. I have three brothers who all suffer from it. All on different levals though. Two of my brothers are probably a little worse than me and one is about at about the same leval as me.


I see other people with SA all the time. Until I started therapy I rarely noticed other SA sufferers. Since starting CBT and doing exercises and behavioual experiments, and starting to make progress, I now notice just how many people do have it.

Very often that person who brings on your anxiety, or who's "unfriendliness" confirms to you how unlikable you are, has social anxiety just like you.