Who is Left handed


Well-known member
I'm left handed I find that when I speak to people with social anxiety also are left handed.:cool:


Well-known member
I'm mostly left-handed. For some things, like using scissors for example, I'm right-handed.

You reminded me that I am only left-handed when I write, LOL. I use my right hand to use the scissors, knifes, throw a ball... I'm weird... or special. ::p:


Well-known member
I think some of you are lying about being left-handed lol. I've only known of probably 4 people who were left-handed. Didn't know so many leftys existed. Hmmm...


I think some of you are lying about being left-handed lol. I've only known of probably 4 people who were left-handed. Didn't know so many leftys existed. Hmmm...

One could argue that left-handed individuals are more likely to post an answer in a thread titled: "Who is Left handed".

Also the thread has been viewed over a hundred times. There's only a dozen posts.


Well-known member
I write left handed. Most other things I'm ambidextrous, though... it's hard being a lefty in a righty world, right? XD

My dad is also left handed, while everyone else in our family (on both sides) are right handed. So when we sit at a table to eat, we have to make sure to sit on the same side so that our elbows aren't bumping into other peoples. haha


Well-known member
Im left handed

^^^ me and my sister are left handed, parents right, so we also had to make sure we were on the same side of the table :(


Well-known member
I am lefthanded by nature, I was FORCED to write righthanded during age 5 to 10 in school by the nuns, so now I write righthanded, but I'm still lefthanded for anything else, playing tennis, handling screwdrivers, using the mouse, smoking, having sex with my best "friend" :rolleyes: , etc...


Well-known member
I write with right hand, but a few days ago I started writing with the left hand... yeah weird :D

Playing guitar and using computer mouse I'm righty, "eating" and playing soccer I'm lefty :)