Why do we worry what others think?


I agree with what you say that but don't you think its impossible to not worry what people think of you, until you no longer think bad about yourself?

I just think SA is basically no different from suffering with extreme low self confidence. Is it possible for someone suffers from SA, but has lots of confidence in themselves and doesn't think bad about themselves at all? Can someone who has no confidence at all overcome it by understanding it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks - but remains thinking very negative about themselves? I don't think that is possible. But I think its definitely possible the other way round - to be confident by changing opinions on yourself to believe you are good enough and equal to others and that automatically develops into not fearing people look negatively at you.


Well-known member
"Ok, but if i love everyone even though they hate me, i am happy,"

i couldn't imagine anything worse than this...the worse thing is to love other people and not have them love you back...if you have positive feelings towards someones else it is only human nature that you want them reciprocated...
Yes I agree spurs. For instance I hate it when I have feelings for a girl and I know she doesn't know I even exist (well she knows I exist but doesn't give a monkeys that I do). I feel so bad about myself and so inferior for seeing good qualities in them but they don't seem to see any in me.


Well-known member

Everything that you posted in this thread so far has been amazing. Tommorow I start at my new job, and I'm just going to be myself like you do, and if people like me for that person then that's fine, but if people are critical of me or nasty to me then screw 'em. I totally agree with everything that you've said, especially the part about worrying. If you worry, you retreat further into your protective "shell" and you hide the "real you". But by not giving a whoot what people think of you you can be yourself without worrying. It sounds so logical now that I'm writing it out... Like a scientific equation or something! haha. Thanks for your inspiring post, and wish me luck!! 8)



Well-known member
Today went great, moreso the second half of the day towards the end of my shift! I'm really glad about this. Jim -- You were right... Just 'not worrying' really does help! I hope to improve even more in the near future. Give it a try, ppl. :D

Hi Jinxed,

Well, to be honest you sound like me a while ago - you seem so insecure about your looks that I get the impression that you are too ashamed to even say it, if I am wrong I am sorry, but I felt like that - I felt I couldn't possibly tell people even on a forum that I feel so bad about the way I look because everyone will judge me badly on the forum - even though they don't know me. Is that true? If it is true - you need to realise how damaging it is to think that this is so shameful to even say. Have you ever thought how you must think about yourself in order to be confident and to not be self conscious at all? You know that in order to feel like that your looks will not be an issue, you won't be self conscious because you will accept you look the way you do, you will accept any flaws, you may realise you may not be perfect, but it won't stop you from being you - you will have confidence in yourself as being a person who deserves things that any other human deserves.
I mean for you to think its such a shameful thing (if you currently do) is so unfair on yourself, you are unique just like anybody else, you are just human, you weren't meant to be perfect looking, very few really are, just watch tv for a few minutes and see how many people look beautiful and how many don't look beautiful. Look at people and think if you looked in the mirror and looked like them - what you be insecure about any of the appearance you see? The average person is just average looking, have things about themselves they are not happy with. You have to realise that you are no different from the average person! You have got to start working on desensitising your insecurities about the way you look and one of the biggest things you need to do is to realise it doesn't make you any less a person than anybody else. You can only look your best and you need to realise that as long as you look your best then you should never ever feel self conscious about your looks, because that is who you are, there is nothing more you can do! That is you and if someone doesn't like you for who you really are then you have to think about what that means?

Lets take 3 instances - and lets pretend we can read each other's minds so that we both know what we are thinking. Imagine we both worked at the same company, but worked in different offices and we either walked past each other and looked at each other or if you had to collect some documents from me and had to ask me - and again we make eye contact.
1 - We make eye contact and as I look at you I am thinking 'God you are so ugly, I don't like you at all'. What would you think of me? I hope you would think something like 'You are really pathetic, god you are such a sad individual, you need to grow up - how old are you? Infact I feel sorry for you that you are so shallow and see negatives in people that you do not even know. I am a good person and treat people well and I have feelings, I don't deserve to be judged in a horrible way for being me - I try to look my best just like you do, I could pick out faults with you if I wanted, but I am better than that, I am better than you, you are an ugly person for the way you see people, you are worth none of my time, your opinions on me don't matter because I don't like you as a person'.
So basically if anyone thinks the very worst of you because of your looks - their opinions matter nothing - they are a horrible person, they are irrelevant to us, we don't want that sort of person to like us, so who cares what they think? They probably think that way about lots of people. Its their problem, they are not a nice person, they will almost certainly never find a lasting happy relationship as they are shallow and self centred, once the appeal of looks fades with someone they meet their relationship will fall apart - their attitude will bring them unhappiness - its their problem not ours. Blessing in disguise!

2 - Second instance - I look at you without thinking bad of you, but I don't find you attractive. 'That person seems shy and probably a nice person. I don't fancy them though' - What would you think in response to that? Is there any reason for you to feel self conscious and feel bad about yourself that they don't fancy you from how you look? They are not judging you negatively, you are just not their type. Well there are things to think about here - such as - they don't find you attractive in terms of love at first sight - but that doesn't mean its not possible if that person got to know you that they could still not like you like that. The two girls at work I fancied most by miles are women that I had no opinion of how they looked, didn't see them at first sight and think they were pretty. But when I got to know them I thought they were amazing, I fancied them loads, their looks grew on me. I am surely not the only person to think that. So either way - if this person could never like you in terms of wanting to date you (i.e. they are shallow and believe beauty is skin deep - they are not the sort of person you are interested in - as you look deeper than that at people and are not looks orientated) and anyone who could end up wanting to date you if they saw what a great person you are - well again there is no need to worry what they think - just be confident and be yourself - let your personality shine through.
You also have to think how many people do you instantly fancy at first sight? Even gorgeous women I never fancy from first sight. I see beautiful women - it doesn't mean I fancy them all. No way at all. Currently at work I fancy 1 girl - but I didn't fancy her straight away. I have worked where I do for many years, and she has always worked in a different office - I walked past her for 2 years without ever noticing her. But over time I have realised she seems so nice and I just really see lots of good qualities in her. Its not just about looks, infact I don't think she is gorgeous looking at all, but there is just something about her - she seems really nice natured, intelligent, well spoken, I just think she is really nice. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I look at a person for the person they are - and I want to meet someone who sees the same things in people. I don't want to meet someone who only looks at people for how they look, that person is just not meant for me.
So again to sum up - if someone looks at me or you in a way whereby they are not judging us badly for how we look, but they don't fancy us by how we look - then this is nothing to worry about or to feel self conscious about. Remember what you want to be judged for - for being the person you are! Let your personality shine through, you are a good person with lots of interesting things to say - don't live your life avoiding shallow people incase they think bad of you.

3 - The final instance - I look at you and think you are nice - you seem sweet person, nice natured and I think you look fine.
Well if you knew I was thinking that way, I guess you would be thinking 'Oh that's sweet, thanks for thinking such nice things about me'. What would you have to worry about around me if this is how I see you? I think you are nice, nothing is going to change that unless something drastic happened such as I realised I didn't like you as a person - hence you were rude to me or treated me badly - such as ignored me to speak to someone better looking than me, etc or if your looks changed drastically for some reason. So you have no reason to be self conscious or worry what I think of you.
Surely instance 3 is the sort of person you want to meet? Therefore people who think 1 - you don't care about anyway, they are irrelevant - tolerate them, but don't ever let them have control of how you live your life - by avoiding them. The people who think instance 2 - let them see the real you - if they see how brilliant you are - if they are a really nice person who see the best in people - they will surely think hugely positive things about you and no negatives. If they do see negatives about you even though they see what a great person you are - well that is there problem, its a shame for them. The only people I want to give my time and thoughts to are people who see me as the real me - the brilliant person I am. I am not inferior to anyone, I am simply unique and human. People can be so different from one another - proof that we are all individuals, and we should never feel inferior to anyone.

I know you are not shallow and that your insecurities are because of bad experiences and the way you have believed things to be. But these beliefs are very negative - based on what horrible people have told you - making you believe you have a negative self image and that you are not good enough and that people see the worst in you because of your looks - afterall if people have pointed these things out its not a surprise you worry people think that way - but you only think that way because of negative beliefs - beliefs which needed to be put right straight away when you received negative comments, but unfortunately these beliefs weren't put right. Once you believed them its a downward spiral, you believe you are ugly, you look at yourself in purely a negative way, you see yourself as being ugly - you focus on the parts of you that you believe are most ugly, you believe everyone sees you as ugly, you believe when people see you - that they think you are so awful and horrible, you end up being afraid of people seeing or looking at you - you feel like you are being slaughtered by the people who see you, you believe all you are going to receive is nasty horrible opinions of you. Look what good its done for us? Look where we are in our lives, look at how much its held us back and the things we are afraid of. Those things don't hold anyone else back, that's because its irrational - brought about by very negative start process which has snowballed into what it is today. Well you can never overcome how you feel whilst you harbour those original negative beliefs, look at yourself in this totally negative way, to focus on just the perceived flaws in yourself, to believe that you are just not good enough compared to others, believing that everyone else thinks the same way - i.e. that everyone thinks the same way as those horrid people who were so horrible to us. Yes there are people like them - which is why we need to understand and realise that they do exist, but we need to seperate them from the good nice people who don't think horrible things of us, but see us for the person that we are. Those horrid people must be ignored and treated as irrelevant.

What people think of us really doesn't matter - if they like us or hate us - we should always be ourself - and showcase our personality and let people think wow what a great person. You have to remember also - if you are very shy and quiet and don't really open up to many people - then that is probably one very big reason why so many Social phobic people are single. Confidence is a brilliant and wonderful quality to have - to believe in yourself and to allow yourself to be you is a very desirable quality. People look up to confident people, people respect confident people, people won't take advantage of confident people. I am sure you with confidence will be hugely desirable and people would look at you in a very positive way! I don't know how you look, it doesn't matter how you look - if you try your best with your looks - then you should never feel self conscious - you can do more than your best. But just remember beauty is in the eye of the beholder and its not just looks its about the whole person you are - which includes your personality - so let it shine through, fear no one, what others think serves no purpose, you are you, the unique brilliant human that you are!

Jinxed, you never mentioned what parts of your appearance you are insecure about - all I can say is that you have got to let go off them, if you can't then you will always have to feel this way about yourself. I think it would be a very good idea for you to get talking about it - get opinions from people on the reality of what these insecurities really matter and how people see people who have these perceived flaws you feel you have about yourself. Your beliefs about these insecurities are so negative, biased and exaggerated that you are not thinking the same way that others do about these things. No one here is going to think bad of you, help yourself jinxed and start letting go. You will be so glad you have done in the end! Got to realise that you are just human, nobody is perfect. What is an insecurity? I mean yesterday I went to the shops but I felt self conscious as I had a spot on my chin, it was really red, I felt awful because of it. But if I saw someone else with a spot I wouldn't care less, insecurities don't matter to other people, only to ourselves - they are just our own worries. I mean how come all people who are any of the following: overweight, bald, have bad skin, bad teeth, scruffy, big nose, big ears, big chin, no chin, short, too tall, underweight, plain, etc - don't ever seem self conscious about their appearance? Maybe they are just not insecure about how they look. I don't look negatively about any people who have any of those features. You are worrying unnecessarily, its got to stop, and its got to stop right now! Don't do this to yourself any more. Stop these terrible negative beliefs that were brought about by horrible people, its time to change to a new mindset where you are good enough - we will help you see the reality of things that you are definitely good enough!
Leapfrog - thank you loads for your positive comments - that was brilliant to read and I am so happy for you that you did really well. I hope you will take a lot of confidence from how things went on your first day - because first day in a new job is scary stuff - and you did brilliantly - you really can do anything you put your mind to.

Yeah keep working and aiming to improve leapfrog, you can achieve it all. I do think we can overcome our problems by looking at the reality - it does seem that what we believe to be true about situations and ourselves are all formed from very negative beliefs which may have initially started from something very trivial or maybe something very hurtful or whatever - but once you start believing something negatively - then things can spiral out of control to the point where you find you cannot cope. But all this thinking is from this wrong path we started thinking down - we just need to get off this path, see the reality of things and start thinking down the correct path. I just don't see how anyone could ever overcome their SP problems until they change their current beliefs about the whole situation in which they have feared - and that involves changing beliefs about yourself, insecurities, others - what others really think - realising that it doesn't matter what others think, and to be able to look at the situation which you have always feared - you don't have to fear it, most people think nothing of these situations we fear - and that is because of rational thinking - we only fear it because of the whole negatives that we have thought about everything relating to the situation - which like I say starts with negative beliefs about ourselves, others, the situation, etc.

I can see improvement in myself, I will just keep working on it and see where it takes me!

Good luck Leapfrog!


Well-known member

" I agree with what you say that but don't you think its impossible to not worry what people think of you, until you no longer think bad about yourself?"

The person you see in your mind or within you is someone completely different to the person they see. Understanding this point alone brings immeasurable self confidence.

If you can realise that what others think of you is not really about you at all but is in actual reality their projection of you, then you will know how to answer this question.

No-one ever thinks about 'you'. Why? Because they see only a reflection of their own mind.


"I couldn't imagine anything worse than this...the worse thing is to love other people and not have them love you back...if you have positive feelings towards someones else it is only human nature that you want them reciprocated."

Love is wanting others to be happy, wishing for them to be happy, cherishing them, wanting to protect them.

You do NOT need to feel loved. You need to love. If you love others without wanting anything back, this is unconditional love.

The neediness of wanting approval or needing to feel appreciated is based on a self centred motivation (conditional love) which leaves our confidence low because we are like a yo-yo who is controlled by what others think of us, up and down on whether we are liked, loved, approved.

You want them reciprocated because of your need. Be happy with giving love to others and your need to feel loved wont be as important.

Hi Jinxed.

You raised some really interesting points.

Firstly, you mentioned that you still get these negative attacks
relating to your insecurity. Well this is going to happen forever
unless you address it. I mean all this understanding that it logically doesn't matter what people think good or bad is absolutely true and is really important to understand and believe, but if you are insecure about yourself you will be self conscious, you will be always
self aware of you insecurity and be thinking of yourself in a very
negative way, hoping no one sees this perceived flaw in you - because
you believe this negative flaw is very horrible and is 'ugly'. I think I
may have mentioned - I went to the shops on saturday and had a really
yucky spot which was red and was shining in the light, I was so self
conscious about it. I went out to the shops because I thought I don't
care what people think of me, but I was self conscious even though I
knew it doesn't matter what people think of how I look. And that self
consciousness really drained my confidence, I was anxious about people
seeing me incase they see my spot. So you have got to address this
insecurity, you will feel so much better about yourself if you can no
longer feel insecure, self conscious, believe something about your
appearance does make you ugly or people will look at you in a negative
way because of it. I know what you mean, I also thought if I asked for
people's opinions on what they think about my insecurity - about my
nose being big (or at least bigger than ideal) that people would either lie
and just say things which are not truthful or if people did think
dreadful things of it that they might say. But you know that people
here would give you a rational and fair opinion on something. If you were to ask me I would put things into perspective for you if you were to ask

At this moment in time I have realised my whole SP is based on just a
series of insecurities - but insecurities that are all very different
in their nature. 1 has been my insecurities in my appearance - which I am
very positive about now, I feel they have eased rapidly by addressing
them. I have insecurities about my confidence. To be insecure obviously
means you are not secure, not confident about it - and I know how
little confidence I have had, so I have been very insecure about my confidence - i.e. worrying people will see my lack of confidence - i.e. how
humiliating is it when you are shaking and nervous around people and
your voice is so trembly too, believing that I do not have the
confidence to put myself in situations knowing I can cope. Again its
irrational though and based on past bad experiences and negative
beliefs. The reality is - why does it need to be an issue? Why can't I
wipe the slate clean? Anyone who doesn't know me - why can't I start
off just being confident - why do these negative worries have to effect me?
Its because of negative beliefs - but the truth is - I have never ever
been ridiculed or insulted over messing things up over my lack of
confidence. So the worries are wrong - and they need putting right.
And the final insecurity are situation insecurities. Again deep
negative beliefs about situations which for most people are no big deal
whatsoever - and people put themselves in the situations without
fearing the situation, without even thinking anything of the situation. I mean I have these huge negative beliefs and insecurities about situations
putting myself in an interview, public speaking, chatting to a girl who
I think seems nice but who I don't really know, meeting someone new, a
first day in a new job, etc. These don't have to be insecurities. But
they are because they haven't been addressed.
I think that is the correct order for me to approach my SP, in order to
desensitise all the things that I fear and in order to be confident in
myself and in any situation I put myself in. And that's why jinxed - I
think you have to start with your insecurities about your appearance -
until you overcome this first step I just cannot see how you can become
confident in yourself.

You asked how come some people who are not good looking by any means, are not insecure and worried by how they look. Well I think we have two differing reasons why we suffer the way we do as to having been so insecure about looks. I was ridiculed, bullied, teased, insulted,
suffered years of name calling over my appearance, people pointing out
my perceived flaws and making me the butt of their jokes because of
them, people basically just being critical of my appearance. Hence why I
felt the way I do about the way I look - no confidence in how I look,
believing there are things very wrong with how I look, believing I am
ugly and no one could like me.
Whilst you haven't mentioned you suffered like I did by all those
verbal abuse - but you said you were brought up believing looks are
important and brought up believing you have to look your best and look
nice - putting so much pressure on yourself if you don't feel you look
nice and also believing that people will judge by how you look. So from
very different origins we have come to the same point - i.e. are
insecure about how we look (although I am certain I have removed my
insecurities so much now - even today I was chatting to one lady who I
like at work - and then about 5 other girls on her team joined in and
were asking me questions as I was stood up and they were sat down - and a few weeks ago I would have been so self conscious, would be wanting to hide, but today I was happy and confident, not self conscious at all that all eyes were on me, so it does work!). However, people who are not good looking but are not insecure about it - well it seems to me it
would be easy for them to not be insecure about how they look IF they
had never believed its a big deal - i.e. you were brought up believing
it is a big deal and put so much pressure and believed it really is
important to look good, whereas I wasn't brought up believing its
important - but because people were so horrible to me about my
appearance - it made me believe it is such a big deal. If one of these
people who are not good looking has never been insulted over his/her
appearance, never been told they have to look a certain way, etc - then
why would they ever feel insecure about how they look. I think its why
people with SP suffer so greatly - I have read people who are so
insecure about being boring. If you have been ridiculed and had people
really judge you negatively over being a boring person - then its no
wonder people are insecure about it and worry that people they will meet
will think judge them negatively too.
It really does seem to start off with just one belief or bad experience
- and things just spiralling out of control because of it - i.e. your
behaviour changes because of the way you think of yourself - you think
that way of yourself because of origins such as for me that I didn't
look good enough, because of that behaviour of avoiding people and
situations - I got even more anxious around certain people or certain
situations - and its developed into what it is now. I think its due to
unfortunate circumstances - in my case some really shallow, immature
people were so horrible to me over a sustained period of time - because I seemed weak and they could make themselves look good infront of their friends - and in your case brought up in a way that you have put so much emphasis that you need to look really good - and you clearly have parts in yourself that you believe don't live up to standard - and hence have these insecurities. But these insecurities probably you yourself only see. When you think about it in your case - you have been set such high standards that you believe you have to live up to, even if you don't live up to 100% in terms of happy with part of you - even if you were 70% - you would still look great!
Also you are right people who haven't suffered like you or I - in terms of me receiving so many negative comments and you believing looks are very important - anyone who hasn't experienced all this will not believe people are so judgemental about looks being so important. I think today, if I had never had all those negative comments and years of name calling, insults, etc - why on earth would I believe people are thinking the terrible things I believe people were? Why would I believe it matters when no one has ever made an issue of how I look? So yes you are right that we believe its important because of past experience, whilst others who are not insecure think that way because its never been an issue.

Again - its really interesting that you raise the point that we don't judge people on looks - on who we like as friends or who we find attractive. Its something I seemed to have overlooked - I mean I am human and know what makes me like people, what makes me attracted to people - so why on Earth would it be so different for others. I mean ok everyone is different and yes some people are so shallow, but there must be so many people who think the same way we do - and we don't judge people we like and people we are attracted to in terms of looks alone - and discard things like personality, confidence, intelligence, interests, etc. I have said before in this thread that at work I fancied two girls more than anyone else by a million miles - and both of them I got to know and I just absolutely loved chatting with them, we had so much in common and chatted non stop all the time, they were really fun, interesting, sweet, kind, intelligent, etc - I just really really liked them as a person - and the more I liked them as a person, the more I thought they were really desirable and attractive and I liked how they looked more and more - I don't see why others couldn't think this way about absolutely anyone.

I do feel that me myself and I can tell from how you are writing Jinxed, that we are both starting to desensitise the beliefs of how important looks really are - I know myself I lost the plot thinking I was simply not good enough because of one flaw in my appearance - my nose. My nose isn't that bad, and even if its bigger than average, who really cares? No one is perfect, I know I am not, but one flaw in my appearance does not define me as a person. I know now I need to be confident and let my great personality shine through - let people see it - rather than be hiding and avoiding people as I didn't want people to see me as I worried they think I am ugly.

I just think keep working and changing beliefs about those things that make us believe we are not good enough is the first leg of our road to recovery. Once we done that we can work on the remaining insecurities which relate to situations and work on insecurities that we are not confident enough. I am certain we can overcome this.

I was actually talking about people who know they are not good looking but don't seem to let it bother them. I believe if they have never been ridiculed or been brought up with the belief that you have to look good, etc - then why would they feel bad for not looking good? If they have never received negative comments or believed that looks are hugely important, then it surely is not an issue to them?

Jinxed, I know from my own experience that overcoming SP is very much an individual thing, only you know how you suffer, I think all SP sufferers suffer in different ways and have different insecurities, had different bad experiences, I really hope I have not come across like you have to do things the way I am approaching things, I am just telling of my own way of tackling this which seems right for me and hope I can help others with ideas and I too have learnt things from chatting with you arnd others on this forum. I wouldn't for a minute want you to think I think I know your situation better than you, I know so little about how you suffer, so please just ignore anything that you know isn't right for you.
I can't think of anything else to say that may be of help with regard appearance insecurities, if I can ever be of any help please just ask.

I am currently looking at other insecurities now - such as situation insecurities, which I think is fascinating. I have never ever thought about situation insecurities - I just saw the situation as something so scary and that I can't do it, i.e. something like public speaking for example.

Have you noticed that once you develop an emotion about a situation, you attach a label to it - i.e. if its something you feel comfortable with and safe in, you know you can handle it - you recognise you are safe and can cope. Whereas if its a situation you fear, then whenever faced with the situation or told you will have to put yourself in that situation - all you can think of about the situation is fear - I don't even see the situation for the situation, I just think of the situation and all I see is fear, I instantly suffer panic attacks, huge anxiety, fear, etc. Its just amazing really that a situation we are insecure in - i.e. don't feel secure, not safe, not confident about, etc - that we label the situation in such a negative way, place so much danger on the situation - which of course has been developed from past experience and feeling we cannot cope and our insecurities will be exposed. But its amazing how we have lost track of the reality of the situation - because we see these situations as dangerous and feel we have to avoid them, we cannot cope - but the reality is situations like public speaking, meeting someone new, speaking to someone you like but don't know very well, interviews, etc - whatever the situation you fear - the reality is in all of those situations is that all you have to do is to walk into that situation and talk. We can all walk, we can all talk, we all have brains and are of decent intelligence so we have all the necessary qualities to perform in the situation - and that is why it seems like everybody else can put themselves into these situations we fear and not be anxious whatsoever - not even think anything of the situation, they will just go to the situation and do what they need to do. That is the rational way of thinking about all social situations - that we have all the attributes needed to successfully perform in the situations.
I remember at university in my final year I was told in my first week that in the last few weeks of the course which was some 7 months later - we would all have to do a 2 hour group presentation with 3 people in - and in front of your whole class. From the minute I heard that I had panic attacks even though it was over half a year away. Whenever I thought about it I had huge anxiety and butterflies in my stomach, I wanted to be sick, I couldn't eat. I have had a terrible experience before that with a presentation, but the whole point is - look at how negative my beliefs were about the situation, how dangerous I subconsciously had labelled this situation, how fearful I was. When you think that way about a situation then its absolutely no suprise that you suffer panic attacks in the build up to it and in the situation. How can you ever be confident and not anxious in the situation if you feel that way about the situation? But again its only so fearful because of negative, exaggerated beliefs that have developed and you end up attaching fear and beliefs that you just cannot cope - and its irrational and unrealistic, but we don't realise its irrational and unrealistic as we believe it to be true. And one clear reason to show these dangers are so unrealistic and wrong is that people put themselves in these situations every single day, no one has ever come to any harm, its amazing how far we have lost the plot - but until we aim to desensitise the situations and understand the reality and that the danger is unrealistic and so exaggerated and wrong - these situations will always seem so daunting and hard for us. So these situations are insecurities as well, and have to be addressed. You have to admit our beliefs of these situations we fear are quite ridiculous - but agreed they are realistic in terms of our experiences and beliefs.

Just finally - some of the common fears of SP sufferers are things like queues, speaking on the phone, meeting someone new, interacting with authority, etc - its so silly - they are just every day situations where there really isn't anything to fear or worry about when thinking rationally.

I just wish I had a few weeks off work to really devote time to working on this, its hard to find time on an evening to devote the time this problem needs in order to make a difference.


Well-known member
Hi Jim,

I've skim-read through this post so far. And: congratulations on your finding an inner sense of strength and courage! ...Maybe people are responding to you so positively because, like it says in the Bible: "You (God) shows to the ignorant what he keeps hidden from the wise and the learned" ...being that, people will flock to a person who has overcome greater obstacles, since such a person would have developed the greater amount of self-confidence. ...And good on you for having developed a good degree of such inner strength.

What you are mostly talking about is perspective -and how if we developed a better sense of perspective of who we are in the world, our fears and anxieties would disappear. ...that our anxieties come from a lack of sense of proportion about ourselves in relationship with other people (this also relates to being highly sensitive towards people). Being different, very sensitive and the like, would make this achieving a sense of self and individuality, a greater challenge (yet, like I said above, when it IS achieved it is all the more impressive because it was a bigger challenge to begin with)

...One way to achieve this sense of perspective about who we are as individuals in the world that I am finding is to change the focus of my concern. ...I am thinking that I am a highly sensitive and emotional person, who has a lot of energy; and when this focus and emotional energy is not chanelled well (or, not put into perspective) it turns inwards and becomes self-absorbed worry and obsessing about my self.
And this energy is so strong for me, that I not only lose my sence of perspective around people easily (become overwhelmed and oversensitive) but it can happen so naturally with me.

....Lately I have been getting interested in doing volunteer work -and even simply the THOUGHT of others and their situations, is already having a considerable effect on clearing my perspective and putting my problems into a better proportion.

Here is where the interesting bit comes -that relates to other things discussed here ....which comes first? -does a person think of others in order to feel good about themselves, or does a person feel confident about themselves and then show unconditional love towards others...? (this is like the discussion you were having with JackB earlier)
I honestly agree with you in that we first must have a sense of confidence about us being worthy on our own.

(-And maybe this is reached by way of us becoming fed-up with what we realise are fears that we see as ridiculous compared to how good we feel about ourselves regardless of others' view of who we are. ....As in a statement of WHO I AM, irrespective of the need of the world around to tell me what this is.)

...Yet, I also believe that the above question is a 'chicken or the egg' question, in that feeling good and confident also is generated by doing and thinking of others; just as this strengthens a person's sense of their place in relationship to other people.

And I agree with Jack about having unconditional love for others is the action of a supremely self-confident person, because this person has rendered them selves independent of the need for others to love them. Instead they are so certain of their "lovability" that their show of love for others is a statement of their certainty that they already are loved by everyone. But conditional love, where we expect love back, is done from the frame of mind that whether we will actually be loved is already in doubt.

Also, if a loveable person is defined by how much they are good to others and disinclined towards judgement (like how you've written a few times above) then this is the definition of a truly loveable and LOVED person.

...Anyhow: I don't want to come across as a know-it-all. See: I got a lot of the above from books on spirituality!!!! :wink: ...So don't worry if you got wrong one subtle detail in the spiritual thinking game (that is an extremely easy thing to do!!!! 8O ) ...Your progress and growth in sense of self speaks for it self enough on its own! :)


Well-known member
I've got big ears, but i'm good looking.
It frustrates me when girls look at me. Are they looking at my face or my ears? :oops:

I think my ears go with my face (if that makes sense), but i still feel pretty insecure about them.


Well-known member
Higolo said:
I've got big ears, but i'm good looking.
It frustrates me when girls look at me. Are they looking at my face or my ears? :oops:

I think my ears go with my face (if that makes sense), but i still feel pretty insecure about them.

Hi, I am Charlie Hungerford - I am Jim Bergerac too, but lost that password.
What you say is what I am really working on now, that I feel I have accepted my flaws a great deal, I know what is not perfect in me but I have realised they mean so little and that in the past I have placed so much emphasis on these things and exaggerated how big a deal these things are. I have now realised that my 'flaws' I was ridiculed about are not a big deal but I did believe they were were a big deal for so long because people made me feel so crap because of them. Ridicule, teasing, insults, being laughed at makes you feel like a freak. But we all have flaws, I am no different to anyone else, and it does not mean I am a crap person that for instance my nose is slightly bigger than ideal. Infact I look in the mirror at my nose and think my nose is fine, why on earth am I self conscious over it because its not huge or anything, its like a few mm's larger than what I wish it be. I have the same nose as my Dad, and I have never ever thought anything negative about how my dad looks. So yeah its slightly bigger than ideal. But so what? Lots of people have things they are not happy with from their ears, their mouth/lips, their teeth, their chin, their nose, baldness in men, acne, etc.
No one ever seems to totally happy with their body, I know really attractive girls at work who have said they don't like parts of their body. So many people are on diets or feel that some part of themselves is not ideal, but that doesn't mean they are not good enough or are freaks or something. A lot of people who have flaws in their appearance still have lots of confidence in themselves and self worth. I realised I am no different to most people in that I have flaws, but I feel I have accepted myself now, I don't think I look bad, I am tall, am in good shape, I am very happy with my body. I like my hair which is cool and messy spiked up, I have been told I have nice eyes by people, I dress smart, I think I am a really good person, I am intelligent, I am fun, interesting, kind and very likeable, etc. So I do accept myself very much I like a lot about myself.

However, like I have wrote in the other post, I suffered years of ridicule, bullying, put downs, called names, teasing, insults, etc, etc. I used to think nobody in the world gets as many put downs, called names as me. People were just so horrible to me, always judging me negatively, always putting down. I just expected people always to put me down.
Now I feel so much better about myself after working hard on building self esteem, believing I am good enough, I have accepted myself, gained self worth, I know I have 'flaws' in my appearance and still can't say a few words right, but so what? I have put things into perspective, but I still don't believe other people are going to treat me in a proper manner. Most of my beliefs were based on what those immature kids who were so horrible judged me as. I have these beliefs that everyone thinks like what they did, but the difference is that people are mature and wouldn't say it. So I still harbour these beliefs that people do look at me critically and negatively and deem me not good enough. And I simply have to change these beliefs. If you believe people judge you badly then you will not have confidence around people and confidence that people will be fair and judge you well.

When you think of the definition of SA - a fear of being judged negatively by people, well if you believe that people are not critical of you, people do not judge you automatically negatively, that people do see the best in you and are not analysing you over your negatives then surely this fear of being judged by negative by people would not really exist, you know that people are not judging you badly so there is nothing to worry about. But if you think people are always mean and are critical of you, always seem to judge you in a negative way and judge you over your flaws rather than over your positives, then you will have a fear of being judged negatively by people.

I think its time to re-address our own individual beliefs on how people judge you. Think of the situations you are anxious in, you will definitely find that you have developed automatic beliefs that people will see you in a certain negative way. But its wrong, its like we have stereotyped and generalised as everyone thinks the same way. I mean we don't even know what the people are thinking in these situations we are anxious in, but we just assume and believe they all think the same way. Its wrong. For example some mouthy horrible person may have ridiculed me for my nose as my nose was noticable as being bigger than ideal, therefore it is something that people can use to make fun of, to put me down for, etc. Its like my speech impediment - people realised it was noticable so made fun of me for it and laughed at me, ridiculed me. But then I think of others who were ridiculed. People who wore glasses were called 4 eyes or gegsy. People who were overweight were called things like fatty, fatso, etc. People who had big ears were called mickey mouse or bugalugs. People who had acne were called pizza face. People were were small were called names like short arse, titch, etc. People who were not clever were called names for being thick. People who spoke posh were ridiculed for speaking posh. People who had ginger hair always seemed to get insults about having ginger hair. People who were quiet were ridiculed for being miserable and boring. What I am trying to say is, if you did have anything that stands out as being noticable, there were always people there to put you down for it. Does it mean you are a ugly, terrible, not good enough person? No. It was simply that people were saying such things because they wanted to pick anything in you to try and make you feel bad. You can almost say anything bad and mean about anyone, and if you were not a strong character then people would be more likely to be nasty to you. Maybe the only reason I for instance got so much negative comments was because I was a weedy weak kid, so I was an easy target. I just think its important to put into perspective that people are not thinking bad of us automatically any more, they were immature kids I encountered, who just put me down for their own ego. I could go out and be horrible to almost anyone because no one is perfect. I need to realise it wasn't me who was 'not good enough' but I just suffered at the hands of immature horrible kids who wanted to make me feel bad, who wanted to look tough to their friends, wanted to make themselves feel better about themselves. I need to change the way I believe others judge me, because people do not judge you like immature kids do. People are too aware of their own insecurities and problems to be judging others negatively. I mean be honest, does anyone look at someone and stop what they are thinking to analyse the person, to look at their faults? Do people just look for faults in people and then judge them for that? Anyone who does is a horrible person who you and I should not want to know at all. They are pathetic and the one who has the problem.

Sorry for writing loads again, but I just think its time to change how we think others always see us (when it comes to the situations we are anxious in).
charlieHungerford said:
Hi, I am Charlie Hungerford - I am Jim Bergerac too, but lost that password.
I was ridiculed about are not a big deal but I did believe they were were a big deal for so long because people made me feel so crap because of them. Ridicule, teasing, insults, being laughed at makes you feel like a freak. But we all have flaws,
I mean we don't even know what the people are thinking in these situations we are anxious in, but we just assume and believe they all think the same way. Its wrong.

I know EXACTLY what you mean. People will make fun of you, have opinions about you make you feel like poop when they don't know what's going on in your life! I think people like this should be shot!