women have all the rights...


Well-known member
Going back to No.1's OP, I'll echo earlier comments in this thread: it honestly isn't as serious as you think it is. Approaching a girl and talking to her isn't going to land you in jail. If she's not interested she'll just say no and that'll be that: you have your answer.

If she's attached and the guy's offended, he'll very likely just give you a stony look, and again, that'll be that.

The last Joseph attack was triggered, I think, by me talking about approaching girls in clubs. He seemed to misinterpret what I was saying, so I'll clarify here: clubs are places where social interactions aren't meant to be deadly-serious. It's not life and death in there, it's just a fun time. However, the vast majority of the time it's not so frivolous in there that every girl's just opening her legs for any bloke who walks past. It's somewhere in the middle.

Remember the whole point of dating: two people notice eachother, think they look like an interesting prospect, and they get closer. They date for a while. Sometimes it'll turn out that they're just what eachother wants, sometimes they realise they'd misunderstood what the other was about and break company. It's not death if that happens, it's just how it works. This doesn't render her a slut or him a loser, it just means that two people tried to make a relationship work, and either it didn't work, or it did and ran its course.

But finally, think of it this way: if you never approach a girl and just worry about what might happen, you'll definitely never get one. If you approach a few, you might get lucky or you might not, but you'll run a far higher chance of getting the relationship you're looking for.


sick joke how can you be 99 percent sure I am optimist man. lol I may have been a little crazy but.. come on.


Staff member
No1 is an original poster, he does not share IP with any other member

Sickjoke if you suspect anyone creating a duplicate account (some people do just to agree with themselves????) please PM a mod, best not witchunt on the forums


Wise man make mistakes too... I guess his passion for being a good psycho-therapist got the better of him


Well-known member
The worst thing???? I am with Sick Joke here, more than some discomfort and (yes, rejection is a bit of a set back and that sux) and you can feel badly for a time but that does not equal death..nothing equals that!!!!!!

And i also agree, unless you are touching them or being verbally lude...how is asking someone for the time..or a cup of coffee harrassment?
Rejection HURTS, it can be emotionally devastating in my opinion. But then, I'm way too sensitive as opposed to alpha male/thug/bad boy types, who don't give a sh*t about anything. It's a matter of personality, I think.


Well-known member
Rejection HURTS, it can be emotionally devastating in my opinion. But then, I'm way too sensitive as opposed to alpha male/thug/bad boy types, who don't give a sh*t about anything. It's a matter of personality, I think.

rejection should makes you tougher