Y do u have a therapist???


Well-known member
I had a therapist that was really great. I had him for my self injury, ed, domestic violence (at home) OCD and anxiety attacks. But I stopped seeing him because I felt I was better.

But I'm not.

So I'm gone start seeing him again. For my same issues plus PTSD and my current abusive bf. *sigh* me and my problems.

So y do u have a therapist or y did u stop seeing him/her???


Super Moderator
It's good that you're going to see him again :) Good luck!

I visited many of those, but they don't know how to talk to a social phobic like me, it seems...


Well-known member
For social anxiety disorder, depression and hypochondria. Does it help? Not yet, but considering how long I've had these problems compared to the length of time I've been getting professional help for them, it's still early days yet. Time will tell.


Well-known member
I don't have a therapist because the medication I take fixes pretty much all of my problems, and therapy is not required. I am getting in contact with the campus psychologist, though, preemptively, in case I relapse into hypo-mania and convince myself that I don't need my medications and try to stop taking them.
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Well-known member
My therapist is like my favourite aunty, so we get on so well and the times when I have nothing to say, she is able to press all the right buttons.
Being she is like a favourite Aunty my true emotions don't come to life One night when I was at my lowest I emailed her.
This was the best thing that I could of done as the alarm bells rang and after 30 old years of not knowing what the h3ll was wrong with me, that she was able to diagnose me with AVPD.
Lucky for me its bulked billed, but I don't think I could afford to see her otherwise, and I know I can't afford not to see her.


Well-known member
I've seen plenty throughout my lifetime. I think I saw my first therapist when I was about 6. Blame my mother for that.

I saw a counselor named Fred for about two and a half years. He wasn't helpful at all. Very unprofessional and a complete moron. The only reason I continued to see him, was because I don't have to pay (poor folk health insurance) and when I went to the Counseling Center, I saw SOME people there that made me feel a little better. I have tons of horrible stories involving Fred, but I won't get into that right now...

I stopped seeing him a few months ago because he ended up just making me feel so much worse. I realized it was pointless and a waste of time. Now I see a different therapist at the Counseling Center, her name is Karen. I like her. She seems to know what she's doing and she's got a lot of insight. I'm hoping that she can help me...we'll see.

Sorry this is long and gay.


I cant see a therpaist,I see a shrink,but he is basicaly only a glorified doctor who can give me meds normal doctors cant.I did some c.b.t but as the waiting list was that long and I had a worker leave half way through,my course was very short.

I had 4 social workers in the space of a few months,then I got handed over to a care coordinator,who wouldnt reply to my phone calls for a year.I have recieved a letter from her saying I can see a Therapist but only if discharge myself from from seeing my shrink,as I am not allowed both services at once.

The nhs blows :D


Well-known member
In high school, I was able to meet with an interventionist every week and I was making improvements. She also talked to my dad for me and had him take me to a therapist, who I really liked. But my dad didn't want to pay someone $90/hr for something that wasn't "helping fast enough" so I only went like 3 times (I still don't understand why doing NOTHING is better and I don't think you can fix any kind of psychological problem in 3 hours).

Now I am going to a community college, so there's no one on campus to talk to and I don't have a job and I don't know where I can get free help and my SAD has been getting worse...


Well-known member
I see a therapist because I have too in this program I am in In order too see the Psychiatrist. (I have to see my therapist 3 times before I can see the doctor)

I see her for Social Anxiety, Social phobia, Not leaving my house..