You Have the power


hi to everyone! i used to come on here all the time, on the user name nicola_marie. i used to have big time problems! like i was scared shitless of people, and was diagonosed with depression, which i had meds for.

Anyways! im back two years later, and so much has changed!!! im proberly one of the most confident people ull meet now. not because im bog headed, or overly sure of myself, because, ive realised a few things.

i done ALOT of soul searching! medditation the lot, to find where my problem was. in the end, i took myself of meds, coz i didnt need em, that was not what wanna go cure me!

i think u have to reasch a point where you no your own limitaions, and dont hate them, just no them, and learn how to make them posative.
ok this is not a big big talker, im more of a listener, usualy my involvemnt is jokes, or moaning, lol!!!, but ya kno? its ok! no one expects u to be a certain way, no one will hate u because ur not much of a talker!, i think people think to much in the other persons shoes, thats what i used to do, when talking to someone rather than listening, and being involved in the convo, i was being self conscience, and trying to analyse how people were reacting to me, tell recapie for disaster!!!! it dont matter how much u analyse, or try and act like someone else,
when u go home, ur still u, and ur still no happier.
thing is, its all about self love, if u can accept yourself, and just be happy doing what u r doing, u cant be happy!
so my advise to anyone? is dont try and learn how to be a good 'socialiser' coz there aint one, its instinct not skill.dont try and look at everything like it has a manual, and ur just cant undertand the instructions! there are none!
imagin right...think about the most wackyist person uve met, bet there not like everyone else r they, there differnt, yet there still happy, and people like being round them! why? because there just beng themselves! they dont care! people dont like people who try and be like everyone else, we as people look for change, so just be urself! people will respect the shy girl who know her self, more than the shy girl who is desperate for approval.
tell ya what, best thing to start with? is do try and do something completly out of character! if u never excericse, just go for a run for 5 mins, if u always excercise sit and munch loads of donuts, and watch tv, ya kno, u not limited, u can do anything ya want, who tell u otherwise? its your life, so leed it how u want, not how u thik ur expected!
cheers x


Well-known member
You are right, we all can change if we wanted to. Nobody's stopping us or telling us we have to be shy. They'd actually all like it better if we weren't so distant/shy around them. I'm happy things have changed for you! (even though im new here lol). I've changed a little bit too. At least now I'm actually talking to people and looking them in the eye.

I think it's more about how you see yourself, then how others see you. That's the only way I learned how to talk more. If I dont make a new friend, then I still accomplished doing what I want to do.


Well-known member
red_reagel said:
we all can change if we wanted to

and thats where i fall i gues its a combination of being pessamistic,synical,lack of determination/willpower/motivation or enough want to actully change. its the same with everything i do.