Your birth sighn?


Active member
I'm an Aries

Sooo.. Im supposed to be a leader. But nah im a follower.

What's your sighn? And how well does your sighn match to your character,


Well-known member
I'm Pisces,but I don't believe in signs! Each person has his own personality and we can't include them in one category. But the weird thing is that they predictions are true very often and what they say about the character of Pisces is true for me somehow. I'm a bit confused with that!


Well-known member
I'm a Gemini. Not sure whether I believe in astrology though. I read my forecast in the paper everyday, and it's hardly ever accurate.

However, the Geminis I know (and there are a few), have similar characteristics to me, although there is one which is the complete opposite!


Well-known member
Same here, Acquarius.
I have no idea what that really means in terms of character traits and such , however I do know about the water element but I seem to be more attracted to mountains than to the sea and I dislike swimming.
It is strange though how they are so random yet every now and then they sum me up quite well.


Well-known member
I'm Aquarius too, i dont think the water element means much Boodizm. We're supposed to be independant, intellectual, innovative etc, interestingly you are either very social and friendly or aloof and distant, so i spose that caters for Social phobic Aquarians eh?

I don't think u can divide the whole world into twelve categories of personalities. What differentiate you are also your moon sign which say more about how you relate to people, your signs in venus (ur love sign), mars (your natural urge), jupitor (how you come across, communicate) and so on. And all of these depend on your birth day and year.

My moon sign is sagittarius, venus in aries, mars in aries, jupitor in aquarius...

Don't forget there's also Chinese astrology (i'm a rat by the way), palm reading and numerology.

sorry about the lecture yea i'm into that as you can tell hehe


Well-known member
An Aquarius! Supposely, I'm an sociable person who can be cold, distant, and friendly. Also, we are known for unpredictable and being independent loners. What weird opposite traits, yes? :lol:

Moon sign: Pisces


Well-known member
Funnily enough I'm an Aries, which makes me doubt the validity of star signs as I'm supposed to be an adventourous leader type, but I'm like the complete opposite in reality.


Well-known member
sad_kat said:
I'm a Gemini, however I think we are meant to be confident and loud...that rings true.. :roll: :p

Don't forget, this sign about being very clever and curious. :wink:


Well-known member
Sagitarious . . . aparently have a bigger sex drive or somethin :? . . . . i don't really know much about Sagitarious.


Well-known member
Well, there is a web site that can help you find some general knowledge about your sign. I had often use this site to study up on my astrology. I heard it is vey well known and refer in many astrology for free sample birth charts.

Here is the web address about the section you need about sun signs:


Active member
im a gemini...loud and confident...i can be loud but only at home or with my best friend...but i dunno about confident. 8O