Your saddest songs


Well-known member
Silent Lucidity by Queens Ryche, Emerald by The Tea Party, and Love you to death by Type o Negative.. all for different reasons but all reflect aspects of myself that i feel no one understands and that makes me i feel like i always have to be the smiley happy type to all who know me, but i also have an intense, darker side.. not negative but just not so sunny.. i don't know.. just my own thing.. but those three songs are also my all time favourite songs.. so i also love the depth of meaning within them.. so at times.. not so sad..
now i am rambling within my own thoughts lol.. sorry..::p:
i love music!


Well-known member
Definately the haunting celtic type music, Braveheart etc. but i loooove that kind of music.. one of my favourite memories was being in Nova Scotia at Peggy's Cove at midnight, during a full moon that reflected against the crashing waves of the ocean... i was sitting at the edge of the cliff just listening to the waves when a lone bagpiper started playing his music... it was so haunting, so beautiful, and just a perfect moment.. i miss the east!(but also love the west "rockies")
i really have to stop thinking of music or else i will make too many posts::p:.