Your Story


Well-known member
What is the worst, most embarressing event / situation that's happened to you that contributed to your SP/SA?


Lots of things happened in my life - mostly from my family who loved to tease me and make fun of me. But an event that sticks in my mind happened at primary school. I was very small for my age, and people tried to pick on me. My family encouraged me to fight back - which I did. One day, the tallest boy in the class (he was taller than some of the teachers) picked on me and we had a scrap - I must have been half his size. A teacher caught us and we were sent to the headmaster.
The next morning at assembly, the deputy head called us both to the front (in front of the entire school), as a punishment for fighting. It must have been fairly comical, with the big difference in sizes, and the dep. head said about me, "Look at him - he's no bigger than a bar of soap!".
Now it seems like a stupid, lame crack - but at the time I was mortified, and thinking about it made me deeply ashamed for years afterwards.


Well-known member
hm, there really is too many to count. all equally bad. this doesn't really constitute as an embarrasment episode but this really sticks out in my mind.

to make a really long story short, i've always felt like part of my boyfriends' family, his mom insists that i call her mom and all that bullshit. they we went on a cruise over last christmas, they saw that i wouldn't kiss my b/f in public (SA), i wouldn't dance at the new years' eve party (SA) and all those things my boyfriend understands cuz he knows my condition.

then he said they were really pissed off when they got home, said that i was using him for their money, i was going to leave him and all that shit. he told them i had SA in my defense since there was nothing else to say and i wasn't there. so you can probably imagine what it feels like to be exposed, etc. not to mention they thought it was bullshit, and that i was just making it up. they feel the same about ADD. so yeah, that's my sob story, still affects me everytime i see them and they put on their happy faces and say "hey baby" when i'm over there and they don't know that i know any of this.


Well-known member
I had SP at the time but this soooo did not help my cause. we did a 12 mile walk for charity at school, I was 14 at the time. I sorta lagged behind so I could enjoy the time on my own without the usual tossers annoying me. I was happy on the walk until we got to the point where we would be stopping for a break. Everyone was sat out on the grass and I just couldn't, wouldn't bring myself to sit there, I stood back for a while wondering what to do then thought, sod it, I'll carry on with the walk. As I got near them it started. The usual lads that picked on me started shouting abuse and people were laughing, the next thing I know I'm walking to a standing ovation of near enough the whole school shouting abuse at me as the teachers sat there and watched. It was humiliating. I felt like crying but i carried on regardless. I'll never forget how bad that felt and vowed never ever to make anyone feel that bad ever.


When I was in grade 8, I was walking out towards the playground when some girl shouted at me "If you shake that ass anymore, you might get a boyfriend!". I turned around to see who it was and it was some girl I didn't even know. I was a little surprised, so I said "Me?" And she went "Yeah. You walk around like you own the place. What, do you think you're Queen Elizabeth or something?" I was really shocked because my whole life I've been dealing with SP and depression, so I didn't really know what she was talking about. My friends didn't say anything in my defense and just stood by and watched while I tried to defend myself and then I finally just walked away. Ever since then, I have real problems walking in public. I walk really stiffly and try to keep my hips still. It doesn't help that my Dad and my sister have recently started making fun of the way I walk as well. That's one thing that I can think of that really effects me every day, that I never really thought about before the incident.


Well-known member
Hmm for me it was 5th or possibly 6th form. A question from a girl that came right outta left field threw me badly. I was 90% sure it would be something remotely predictable since she gave me her no. I knew she was interested. I assumed it would be like "so you wanna do something?" or "do you like me?" or something of the sort.

Instead it arrived in an accusing tone along the lines of "why do you keep looking at me?". Maybe I read too much into it, maybe she just wanted me to say because I like you, but I wasn't prepared for that. I just said I don't, which we both knew was crap. She walked and that was that, I spent the next few weeks wondering why I'd said what I had or why she had asked that of all things.

She had a permanent scowl on her face from then for the year or two till the end of highschool, and tended to avoid me. Man I felt pretty shit, I felt like ringing her and saying what I should've. I knew I would never have rung though, and either way she got a BF a month or so after she asked that question till the end of school.

From that moment on its become awkward, and hasn't seemed to matter which girl it is. Four years on its same old same old, I just run from any kind of intimacy or just dont react to social ques that I see, things which I know I should do soemthing about and want to.

Still makes me wonder today. Wonder if my SP would've been entirely based around girls like it is now or if I would've had it at all had things been different then.

Cant change the past though I spose, sucky. :x