Zombieland 2009


Well-known member
Ok im about 10 minutes into this movie and finally a CHARECTER WITH SOCIAL PHOBIA
Or at least agorophobia
Its a big movie too , number 1 in the box office


Well-known member
I just saw it a little while ago, and I thought it was funny. I'm ready for a zombie apocalypse now. :D

Blake B.

Yep, I saw the movie opening night and it was hilarious. As an added bonus, the main character (Well, besides Woody Harrelson I guess) has what appears to be a whole list of anxiety disorders, and is at one point shown living alone in his apartment with a stack of pizza boxes, playing World of Warcraft. I liked that he is shown as a more sympathetic character who has come to terms with the way he is, and instead of being characterized as a shameful shut-in, he actually uses his attitude toward other people as a survival mechanism.

"I treat people like zombies normally, so this isn't really anything new." I'm paraphrasing that quote, but it sums up the character pretty nicely. Also I didn't think about this before, but Jesse Eisenberg actually has some real-life anxiety problems, which makes him seem much more natural. Check out this interview and decide for yourself if you think he suffers from S.A. or not.

Jesse Eisenberg on ‘Zombieland’, OCD & not having “natural” talent : Daily Actor: Interviews, News, Columns, Video, Supplies


Well-known member
Zombieland was hilarious. I would also recommend seeing another movie where Jesse Eisenburg plays a similarly anxious character, Adventureland. Adventureland is one of my favorites. Lately it seems R rated comedies either stray towards unrealistic (though very funny) adventures such as Superbad, or aim for meaningful stories with believable characters such as Funny People, which end up being not as funny. Adventureland is a rare movie that manages to be very funny and also have a deep meaningful story and believable characters.


Holy shit in that interview he kinda sounds like me with the negativity and the self-putting-downing-thingy (For lack of better words, my mind is blank right now)