Recent content by JturfSweats

  1. J

    Sweaty hands, Feet and other areas

    Hi all! It's been a long time since I posted last, but It's that time of year again and I'm struggling with my HH. I have Palmar, Plantar, and sometimes sweaty pits, sometimes when I'm really stressed or anxious I notice it in the groin area. It's the middle of winter here in FL, I know that...
  2. J

    Starting Ionto

    Hi All! Well, I just received my RA Fischer MD- 1A (Rental program) and I'm excited to try it. I talked to the people there to receive instructions on how to operate it. I really hope this works for me. I've tried Drysol and it did work to some extent, but I still had sweating on the side of...
  3. J

    Hyperhidrosis and Depression

    Hello to all! Does anyone else suffer from depression because of this condition? I have an old girlfriend that said to me last week that she thinks I suffer from cyclical signs of depression. I didn't think anything of it until she said something. I know my hands sweat most of the time and...
  4. J

    Hands Peeling from Hyperhidrosis

    Hello again to All! I've posted a couple of other things, I guess I'm just still in disbelief that others struggle with HH and it's not just me. However, what I would like to know is if anyone else expereinces peeling of the hands even though you have HH. It seems that every winter or even...
  5. J

    Sports and Hyperhidrosis

    Hello Everyone! I was wondering if anyone out there is or knows a profesional athlete or elite athelete that suffers from HH? I'm a cyclisit and a runner and have recenlty started to train for Triathlon and was concerned about even trying to take Robinul because of not sweating. I've seen...
  6. J

    Hyperhidrosis Sufferer

    Hello Everyone! I was fortunate to find you all. I'm thankful that I'm not the only person that sufers from this condition, reading other's comments and thoughts have been very encouraging. I suffer from Excessive sweaty hands and feet. I've dealt with it for probably 30 something years now...