I can't seem to get over her


Well-known member
I want to get over my ex but I simply can't. It's been since September that we broke up. She has already moved on and that hurts enough, it hurts even more not being there for her son. I just want to go back and stay, I left when times got tough and I hurt her.

I had a real connection with her. Now that she's been gone and I've been looking at other woman, even took a few on dates. I discovered I don't have that connection with them. Like even my ex's I had no connection with, it was pretty much just teenagers trying to get laid. I kissed a girl about a month ago but still didn't feel a connection. She was the first one that would give me a spark when we kissed. I talked bad about her a lot, but I know I only did it to try and convince myself that she is a bad person. When really she is someone who is struggling.

It's bad enough everywhere is a memory. We went on so many adventures and for the first time in my life I was actually living and not sitting around all the time.

Only reason I'm bringing this up is because she is on my mind a lot. Has been since we broke up. I wonder how they are doing, how her boy is doing. I just sound crazy and stuff by this I know it's just really bothering me cause I don't want to miss her or care so much.


Well-known member
You might have to start with forgiving yourself before you can get over her. Thats probably whats making this especially difficult.
You might have to start with forgiving yourself before you can get over her. Thats probably whats making this especially difficult.

That's also one way to forget about someone you were in a relationship with. . .

If I were you, I'd do something that's in one of my favorite hobbies like I go to Disneyland often. That's where I spend most of the days I have when I have problems to sort of any of this.

If you have a favorite hobby, let me ask you this first--

What is your favorite hobby?

That's a starter to all this.

Keep doing the things that you like doing the most and sooner or later-- you eventually might start to forget about her as long as you keep doing the things you love the most.