I Can Help You Cure Your Blushing


Well-known member
Well like mentioned before, doctors are nothing more than humans, there are much ignorance among them as well. Especially when the problem is about fields which the medical world yet have not understood fully; such as blushing, excessive sweating, central nervous system etc. Instead of saying "I am sorry I don't know" they turn to the closest solution they can find and they stick to it. In this case it was the anxiety explanation (yeah sure).

Cure mate I don't which country you are from but in most developed countries you have have rights because the medical system is there to serve you. You should have the right to switch to another doctor and you better do so. Stick with this guy will obviously lead to nothing. I experienced the same back in Sweden, an idiot doctor making a small thing out of my problem and offered me Zoloft, Inderal and god knows what. The quack actually also recommended ETS for me, even without an examination just during our first talk.

Do not trust those thieves. Since the medical world does not understand blushing, a single random doctor will most certainly not. The only thing one can do is looking on the internet, in books etc. for different solutions and then try them out, or go to the doctor and demand to do this and that test - though it didn't work out in your case. I have done loads of tests, brain scans, blood here, urine there and all after I demanded to get them done after doing my own homework.

It resulted in that I now know what's wrong with me - an overactive Sympathetic Nerve System which most likely is also linked to my blushing. High histamine levels work as a neuro-transmitter to the Sympathetic Nerve System so now I am trying this cure to see if there is any difference. If it doesn't, I plan to go through a dozen acupuncture sessions since it's being scientifically proved that acupuncture reduces the activity of the Sympathetic Nerve System, and i believe that together with herbs it can do wonders.

I am sorry to say, but the doctors doesn't understand this, so if we want to change our lives we have to do our own homework. Know your rights and be persistent - there is no reason why this sulky bastard should not let you test your histamine levels. Set your own goal to call him or to arrange another doctor before this week is over.

It's also more usual than we think, that drugs is over-prescribed due to the power of the pharmaceptic companies.


Active member
I asked him if I could get my histamine levels tested anyway but he said that it can't be done (might be true or maybe he just thinks it's so stupid that he doesn't even want to try).
Obviously, because other people here have gotten tests, it can be done somewhere. Though my doctor was not as rude as yours, he had no idea what exact test I was hoping to get or where it could be done.

I found some tests related to histamine on the Mayo Medical Laboratories site. They have an ordering assistance page. Maybe we can test through them. If anyone does test through Mayo I'd like to hear about your experience.


Well, guess everyone with blushing/flushing problems face the same situations with doctors, huh? It looks like it doesn't matter where you are in the world, you'll visit at least one asshole who will tell you there's nothing wrong and that all you have to do is relax (of course... it's not his face that burns like hell). I've been through that either.

Fortunately, I've found a dermatologist who has Rosacea himself. So, the guy really pays attention when I'm talking to him (he knows how bad blushing and flushing are). And when I talk to him about things that I read in Internet foruns like this one, he gives his opinion about it and always respectfully.

By the way, I told him I'm on L-methionine. He said he doesn't believe that high stamine leves can be the cause of my blushing/flushing problem. But he also said, on the other hand, that nothing bad will happen because of the intake of L-methionine. So, I'll try it for some time.

I've been on methionine for 14 days now, but I interrupted it for 2 days because I had an IPL session and, according to the doctor, you're supposed to be with a red face when you have it, for better results. So, for 2 days I didn't take anything that could possible reduce redness.

Anyway, I haven't felt any difference in the last 14 days. My face is not better, nor worse. But obviously it's too soon and I'll post my results again in the future...

Good luck everyone.


Well-known member
I just came back from the doctor and he was a total arrogant asshole which surprised me because he was very nice before. He just laughed at me when I mentioned that someone cured his blushing by lowering his high histamine levels. I asked him if I could get my histamine levels tested anyway but he said that it can't be done (might be true or maybe he just thinks it's so stupid that he doesn't even want to try). He said that I have a big problem between the ears and that I should stop looking for a magic solution on the Internet because the problem is in my head and that my blushing is caused by an anxiety disorder which can be treated with medication and the help of a psychiatrist. He wanted to put me on medication but I refused.

I don't even know why I shook his hand after it was over. I'm never going back to this doctor again, he just made me feel like shit. :mad:

On the bright side, I was very anxious and could have easily turned red on at least three occasions but it just didn't happen.

EXACT same thing happened to me with my older doctor. I just went to another doctor who luckily understands. I know what you mean about him making you feel like shit...I felt like just giving up after I went to see him.

Are you going to find another doctor?


Well-known member
Yeah I might go to another doctor but this time I will bring a paper on histadelia to have more credibility. My doctor was just clueless and said histamine levels can't be low or high and when I mentioned the Niacin flush test to him he didn't seem to know what was Niacin and he asked me how I got it without a prescription.

guys the methionine works i swear to god. go read my previous posts to get a idea on my progress and assess it to your own. im not blushing anymoreeeeeeeeeeeeee!
good luck to all, fight this bloody curse to the bitter end.....PEACE!



New member
About the side effects?
Toxicity, side effects, interactions, and contraindications


Excessive methionine intake, together with inadequate intake of folic acid, vitamin B6, and vitamin B12, can increase the conversion of methionine to homocysteine. Homocysteine is a potentially harmful blood fat that has been linked to atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries). L-methionine supplementation should be avoided by those with neoplastic disease and elevated homocysteine levels and used with caution in those with coronary heart disease. L-methionine supplements should be avoided by pregnant women and nursing mothers unless they are prescribed by a physician. There are no known drug or nutrient interactions associated with methionine."

Methionine | amino acid health benefits, dietary sources, side effects


New member
About the histamina level a doctor said that it changes too many times,depending on many factors,it is not possible to determinate a value..about histadelia it exists but is noticable in few cases most by skin disorders...whetever for me this is not the point...the point is that it seems for sameone L-methionine worked for same reasons...so is a good point to try that..on the other hand there are the side effects i don't know..whetever


Well-known member

I just experienced a big setback. Last two weeks or so, my confidence have been rising and yesterday I went through a 30 minute dinner in the canteen together with three classmates including - two girls I barley spoke to before - without blushing or being particularly anxious and actually made a couple of good jokes! This was a big thing for me.

Still today in class we had a guest lecturer and for some reason my heart just pounded like a machine gun only when I thought about asking a question. I then forced myself to raise my hand and tried to explain a complicated hypothesis of mine regarding difference between Indian and Chinese governing system. My voice trembled from the first sentence, I lost my thought quite quick, being high red with palpitation. DAMN.

This could be linked to my stressful weekend, working on a project 30 of 48 hours during Sat/Sun which is not even finished yet. But still. Why is it that I can't speak!?!? And tomorrow I am supposed to hold a class presentation there will not be much sleep tonight that's for sure.

I begin my forth week of L-Methonine just now and I will carry on till new year, then quit if there isn't any changes.
I have been taking Methionine for 3 weeks and 4 days now. I am fairly sure it has helped! I feel like my mood has lifted, less anxious, more confident, but best of all im pretty sure it has helped my FB. I was in a situation earlier where FB could have gone crazy.....all the same feelings were there....fight or flight etc, but my face just didnt seem to go too red, it was like it was trying to but it just didn't. Like a really cold pull-string lawnmower engine....where someone is really trying to start it (pulling the string over & over) but the engine just goes bluh bluh bluh...off.....just like the heat and redness was creeping in, but then I realise its just not coming full on, like it cant!?!?!?!?
I hope this is it…………I pray to god

Grimaldi, I have actually started to feel best over the last few days, so maybe you just need to keep it up a wee while yet
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Well-known member

I just experienced a big setback. Last two weeks or so, my confidence have been rising and yesterday I went through a 30 minute dinner in the canteen together with three classmates including - two girls I barley spoke to before - without blushing or being particularly anxious and actually made a couple of good jokes! This was a big thing for me.

Still today in class we had a guest lecturer and for some reason my heart just pounded like a machine gun only when I thought about asking a question. I then forced myself to raise my hand and tried to explain a complicated hypothesis of mine regarding difference between Indian and Chinese governing system. My voice trembled from the first sentence, I lost my thought quite quick, being high red with palpitation. DAMN.

This could be linked to my stressful weekend, working on a project 30 of 48 hours during Sat/Sun which is not even finished yet. But still. Why is it that I can't speak!?!? And tomorrow I am supposed to hold a class presentation there will not be much sleep tonight that's for sure.

I begin my forth week of L-Methonine just now and I will carry on till new year, then quit if there isn't any changes.

If I'm not mistaken, this did happen to Cure once while he was still early in his regime. A couple weeks later he said the blushing got better along with the sweating.

Remember, it is supposed to take a year for this to work.


Active member
grimaldi, sorry to hear about your setback. I would say give it at least 6 months. And even if it doesn't cure you completely it sounds like it is working better than nothing. If that's the case you might as well keep taking it. I hope your presentation went OK.


How does it go guys? Any improvement? I've been taking L-methionine 500mg and Calcium 400mg twice at day for the last 15 days. I know I still have to wait but I'm persevering ;)


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I think soon I will not be able to blush anymore. It's getting hard to blush even in some uncomfortable situations. I also had a mood lift lately but I don't know if I can attribute this to the treatment.

grimaldi don't worry I remember thinking my blushing had vanished somewhere around week 4-5 but then I had a setback too. I think the real improvement for me came around week 7-8 when the excess saliva symptom went away.


Active member
How does it go guys? Any improvement? I've been taking L-methionine 500mg and Calcium 400mg twice at day for the last 15 days. I know I still have to wait but I'm persevering ;)
I restarted Paxil a month and a half ago and that has helped me a lot, so keep in mind my progress will probably not be identical to the progress of other people and that it is not due solely to the L-methionine and calcium. I'm on day 9 of taking the supplements and I have not blushed at all. I feel more positive about myself and have more confidence. I think I sweat less in hot environments. Sometimes I will have a flushing episode not related to social situations and, in these cases, I think the redness may have been reduced slightly.


It's awesome to read your testimonials, Cure and TubalCain.

Grimaldi, be patient and think about this: your impatience could be a sign that you have histadelia :)


Well-known member
Hey guys,

I think soon I will not be able to blush anymore. It's getting hard to blush even in some uncomfortable situations. I also had a mood lift lately but I don't know if I can attribute this to the treatment.

This is amazing news, I'm so happy for you! Let's hope that it's the treatment, which I think it is.

Just don't leave us when you're 100% cured. ;)


Well-known member
This is amazing news, I'm so happy for you! Let's hope that it's the treatment, which I think it is.

Just don't leave us when you're 100% cured. ;)

Don't worry even if I get 100% cured I will stay here for some time. ::p:

How is it going for you? Did you start the treatment?


Well-known member
By the way does anyone know what to do when your histamine levels become balanced? I know you decrease them with 1g of methionine and 1g of calcium daily but at some point if you keep doing that you will get them too low and get some symptoms of histapenia. I wish Blush was still here. ::(:


By the way does anyone know what to do when your histamine levels become balanced? I know you decrease them with 1g of methionine and 1g of calcium daily but at some point if you keep doing that you will get them too low and get some symptoms of histapenia. I wish Blush was still here. ::(:

You are right, where is Blush?

By the way, after almost 3 weeks taking L-methionine and Calcium, I like more than ever sweet food (sugar, candys, chocolate...). I didn't eat sweet food since I was 18 years old, but now, more than 10 years later, I like it again and I eat chocolate everyday!

Do you believe there's some relation with treatment?


Well-known member
Did you start the treatment?

Not yet. My doctor was supposed to call about an appointment he made with a specialist, but seeing as he didn't call last time for my blood test, I'm probably going to have to call myself.

School has been killing my time, so hopefully tomorrow I will call.