How are you feeling?


Well-known member
Uhhh I just had a horrible dream about being really lonely.
I wonder if staying here for some time while my father goes to another country permanently is a good idea.......


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Arrggh! :kickingmyself: Why does ma oldest sister think it's awright tae treat me wi' contempt and condesendence? Sick o' the way she treats me. The only reason she get away wi' it is because she's family. :sad:


Hie yer hence from me heath!

Aye, ah can relate, there Srijita. Anyways... feel better soon, wee darlin'. :thumbup:

Ah was on verge o' really snappin' at ma oldest sister when she asked why ah hud'nae do something she'd "demand" - or "asked" - me tae do. Luckily, that wee voice in ma heid said: "Hi! It's no worth it, f**kin' leave it..."


Well, it's Saturday night and I'm sitting at home posting on this site, so I can't say I feel amazing… but I did hammer out 120 pushups and 150 burpees earlier so I've got a pretty nice post-exercise buzz going.


Well-known member
mentally ill.
out of control of my life.
but taking it because that is all i deserve.
like a piece of ____.
feeling sorry for myself, obviously...
and disgusted at that.
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Well-known member
OMG just went to mailbox got check for $740 from a mortgage settlement from attorney general!!!!!!! Called son told him I'll get the air conditioner myself. I can't believe this happened!
This is a nice change of luck. :perfect:

I feel good. :) I still have a few things on my mind but I have had a nice weekend. :)


Well-known member
^Good to hear MickeyC!

I woke up with intense back pain and feeling tired and physically weak. I had my period yesterday at the same time the Supermoon was forecasted to appear. I read somewhere that the menstrual cycle had some correlation with the moon cycle.


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Kinda 50/50 the now... Quite alot o' unspoken thoughts / vicious putdowns in ma heid. Ah must quite overly sensitive, eh? :idontknow:

Ah woke up feelin' like Scottish weather - dour, dreary an' effin' miserable! Shite, basically! Tryin' tae come tae terms with the fact that am quite a grumpy c____t, maist o' the time! Though, that could be unintentional? :sad: Or maybe, am no f**kin' wired right, psycho-logically speakin'? :sad: It quite hard tae tell, really, when yer only the sane person in family o' f**kin' nutters! :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
We've had fog/rain for several days, too. And none of us are wired "right," as far as I know. Hang in there and find some way to relax for awhile, Graeme. :perfect:


Well-known member
This is my first post on the forums for a long long time. I got into a really bad period of mania and depression recently, the worst I've had in over a year so I was forced to take a sick leave from work. I'm honestly not feeling to great. I'm aching all over and slipping in and out of depression. It seems I will be away from work until I start my vacation meaning I won't be working for a couple of months. I'm trying to stay positive, but right now it is really hard.


Well-known member
This is my first post on the forums for a long long time. I got into a really bad period of mania and depression recently, the worst I've had in over a year so I was forced to take a sick leave from work. I'm honestly not feeling to great. I'm aching all over and slipping in and out of depression. It seems I will be away from work until I start my vacation meaning I won't be working for a couple of months. I'm trying to stay positive, but right now it is really hard.
Sounds like things are pretty tough for you, mate. Hang in there.