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  1. A

    Have you ever met anyone with SP?

    I have never met a person with SP before. I wish I had a friend with SP that lived near me. Normal people just don't understand what I have to go through everyday. Im so lonely and when I do meet someone I like, I drive them away. Will a normal person understand me and still like me if I told...
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    Mild OCD?

    I have this habbit of touching my face constantly. My skin, bridge of my nose, lips. More so when I drink coffee. Also, when I like something, I would get extremely obsessed with it. An example would be, songs. If I like a song, I will listen to it on repeat for days even weeks until I get sick...
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    Help with posting images!!!

    Hi! Im such a dummy, I dont know how to post pictures. ?????? do you need to be connected to the web or something? I dont know.... :x
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    Trouble with job interviews.

    Hello there! Many times I have ditched job interviews at the very last minute because I was so nervous and scared. And when they call me Im too scared to pick up the phone. My heart starts to pound and I kind of panic. Im even afraid to listen to my messages. Why am I so weird..