Answering the telephone

My parents always get angry at me for not answering the phone and think I'm ridiculous because I won't do it. I will not answer the phone unless it is my parents, my brother, or my friend calling. Caller id is a necessity!

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I completely freak out when the phone rings or if I feel obligated to make a call (for bdays etc), and pretty much, no scrap that, I DON'T end up doing it. Then I feel like a complete asshole and ussually fall into a depression afterwards because I feel like such a moron. It must come across as so rude and snobby! I moved house a couple of months ago and didn't install a home phone line and got a new mobile phone but have not given my number out to anyone else except my mum so that noone can contact me. I have a sister who I didn't grow up with who lives in New Zealand, lovely girl, but she's just so confident and talkative on the phone, whereas I really struggle to make conversation and don't know what to say. I just cannot be myself on the phone for some reason. She asked for my number on Facebook and I gave it to her with a digit wrong on purpose. So pathetic, I know.
I have a partner, we've lived together for wow 8 years, and we have a daughter together, and he is the only exception to the rule. I'm completely normal and relaxed and could talk all day to him on the phone. But with everyone else-nada. Well, I'm okay with mum most of the time, though calls with her are few and far between. I hate phones! Hate them! I wish the whole world would just adopt a texting system and banish calls! Gosh, that would be great.
The only reason I hate communicating with people over the phone is because I'm always rudely interrupted half way through my sentence..It happens in F2F social settings as well..pissed me off something serious and feels as if what I have to say is of minor importance.


I abhor everything about a phone.

I hate answering calls.

I hate making calls.

I simply hate talking on the phone at all.
I have trouble with this. I can't answer the phone unless it's my parents calling, or if I have to answer the home phone because mum or dad can't make it to a phone in time and call out for me to do it, or if I'm afraid that mum or dad will be angry at me if I don't answer the phone because they're probably expecting me to be the one to answer it. If I answer the home phone I shove it at my parents as soon as I can get it to them because I hate talking on the phone because I feel so uncomfortable and awkward.

Calling people, on the other hand, is way worse for me. I cannot call anyone besides my parents unless Im forced to. If it's calling a complete stranger to book an appointment or inquire about something I'm a shaking, crying mess. My parents have to force me to do it and give me a pep talk, and they usually have to check up on me after 10 or so minutes to see if i've gotten around to it yet, and to remind me to do it and tell me that "it's not very difficult and I need to learn how to do it and get practice". I usually end up crying during the phone call and afterwards as well, after I finally manage to dial. It's definitely not pleasant. If, on the rare occasion, I'm not a crying mess I'm still really anxious.


Well-known member
I hate talking on the phone. I often end up stumbling over my words which is embarrassing so I stumble even more. I hardly ever answer the phone. People around me know now to txt if they really need to talk to me!

Even when ordering takeout for example, I've started to only use shops that have online ordering. I think the only places I've called in a while is my bank, and the taxi dispatcher.


Active member
I dont like talking on the phone either, I would rather text. I just hte talking to people and I know thats weird but I cant help it. I wish I was normal and just pick up the dam phone and say HELLO, I mean how hard is that? lol...I just want to overcome the fear of people :(


Well-known member
I'm not necessarily scared to talk on the phone or anything. The worst is that I'm always nervous I'll sound stupid, talking to information or just ordering a pizza is hard for me. I actually just HATE with a passion talking on the phone. I'm better face to face. It seems people just waste my time on the phone and I have limited patience for someone who wants to lolly gag around. It irks me when someone calls and just wants to chat, like the "So what's up, not much here just bored..", I could honestly care less.


New member
I don't answer calls or make them for pretty much the same reasons. It's absurd how a little ring can be so distressing. And then it can take weeks just to listen to the voice mail that was left. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
I remember once talking on the phone to somebody and telling them someone else needs the phone for two minutes so I will call them back. In reality that was a lie, I felt physically sick and needed to get off of the phone. I did call them back though, I don't remember if I was actually sick though.

In general, I'll answer the phone, I don't mind that. It's making calls that can sometimes bother me a bit. I just try to do it more and more so I feel more comfortable towards the whole thing.
The only person I'll talk to on the phone is my boyfriend. It got to the point where I just got rid of my phone because we couldn't justify the expense, as I wouldn't use it for anything except for him telling me he was on his way home.


Active member
I don't really "hate" talking on the phone, but I prefer text, email or IMs. I tend to check out of conversations mentally when they get boring and its a lot easier to excuse no replies from me through text and things.
My phone conversations with friends tend to be short and to the point. I can gab for hours via text or IM though. Heck even my posts are long. :rolleyes:


New member
First ring:I'll find the phone, usually buried beneath a throw pillow in the living room or hidden next to the fruit bowl.

Second ring:Screen the call, waiting impatiently for the name to come up. Funny that I still do this, but it's a habit.

Third ring:press talk, chuck the phone at the nearest family member and return to whatever I was doing.

I don't like talking to people, and 95% of the school believes I'm a mute. Besides.. phone conversations are so dreary and forced. It's akward enough making small talk in person, but over the phone it's like...why bother.


Active member
I hate talking on the phone. If I'm busy and the phone rings I will aloe it to go to voicemail. For a while I didn't answer it at all but friends and family started to get their feelings hurt, this made me feel guilty so I started to force myself to answer the phone.