

I have recently been diagnosed with Social Anxiety, and I am curious as to how others have fared after receiving treatment.

I have had SA since middle school, and was undiagnosed until 3 weeks ago (I am 32 now). I always thought I would become less anxious as I got older, but the opposite seemed to happen. I get shakey when trying to talk to anyone to the point that I no longer wish to talk to anyone. It is too painful of an experience. It has gotten to the point that when my cat jumps on my lap I start to freak out. 2 weeks ago I took 3 bottles of pills trying to end it all. Obviously I failed, as I do with most other things in my life, but I am trying to make a better life for myself now.

To that end, I started seeing a psychiatrist who has prescribed Zoloft and Geodon, and has referred me to a psychologist who wants to begin behavioral therapy. The psychologist also wants me to read 'Dying of Embarrassment'. Has anyone read this book, and if so, was it helpful? Also, has anyone been through behavioral therapy, and if so, was it helpful? Finally, has anyone been on these meds, and if so, were they helpful?

Thank you to any and all that reply. Your words are much appreciated!


Well-known member
mmm, i've not had the guts to go to therapy yet, i'd just rather get drugs than to talk about it :)

i've tried zoloft, propranolol, and buspar with no luck, i did take paxil with good results but i didn't like the side affects and i feel like i'm at a point where i don't need it right now for the price that it is. the only thing about zoloft is that it made me VERY sleepy in class. good luck! the book sounds interesting


Well-known member
Hi Crazy. I haven't gone through any treatment yet but I have read alot of good things about CBT (Cognitive behavioral Therapy). It is the treatment that I will most likely get.

I don't think the medications alone will solve or help you cope long-term with your SA. It is possible to go through a combination of CBT and Medical treatment (such as anti-depressants).

I have no experience in any of this so I'm just repeating what I have read.

CBT seems to be even more powerful if you have a strong willpower and prefer to stay away from meds.

Alot of people tend to believe that medications will fix their social anxiety forever. Talk to your psychologist about the behavioral therapy and also mention the drugs you are taking. If you do a search on google you'll find many articles on CBT and Social Anxiety/Phobia.


Active member
hi there, I'm 29 and probably much the same, my social anxiety got worse when I started high school, but I thought it was just shyness and I'd grow out of it, but no luck there! I avoided medication but it recently got to the point where my nerves were so bad I said give it to me now! And its really helped, its called Lexapro, I don't have any knowledge of other ones though. I have that book Dying of Embarassment, when I was trying to do self-help, it has a lot of good points, but I've realised that you really do just need that someone there to push you to do whatever it is you're afraid of, you really can't do it alone. Behavioural therapy is helping me for sure, but its slow and steady, don't do it all at once. Anyway, I hope this helps!


Well-known member
There's some good advice Crazee :)

I agree completely and understand where Esp is coming from when he/she says about not being able to do it alone. I've got the the point where I have noticed that I can no longer help myself get out of this mess.


Hola Chilling, thank you for the reply!

My next appointment with the psychologist is not for another month, but I will post more about my experience after having attended a few sessions in order to let you know how it is.

As far as meds go, about 3 years ago, I was on Propanolol, Lorazepam, Paxil, and Xanax (not all concurrently!) when a coworker took me to the hospital after I feinted from trying to talk to 3 people at once. I did not stay on the meds for very long at all, and I stopped going to the doctor (a general practitioner) after about 4 visits. As a result, I cannot comment on these meds.

I have an appointment with my psychiatrist tomorrow, and I will post what happens tomorrow night...

Thanks again for the reply, and take care!


Hiya Mad, thank you for the reply!

Do you have the means to see a doctor to try and get help? If so, I highly recommend you do so!


Thank you for the reply esp.

Your words are encouraging in regards to therapy. I will stick with it for awhile - I hope you do as well!


Well-known member
I've been seen by a psychiatrist to assess my..uh..mental health

I said I didn't want medications so he then got a community psychiatric nurse involved. I have seen the psychiatric nurse twice but he is going to try and start exposure therapy with me. It's not for me, I simply am not ready, so I've decided not to see him again.

So that's where I currently am. Not sure what the next step is at the moment.


New member
MadCat said:
I've been seen by a psychiatrist to assess my..uh..mental health

I said I didn't want medications so he then got a community psychiatric nurse involved. I have seen the psychiatric nurse twice but he is going to try and start exposure therapy with me. It's not for me, I simply am not ready, so I've decided not to see him again.

So that's where I currently am. Not sure what the next step is at the moment.

What keeps you from wanting to be on meds? I'd love to get get into therapy as I know I'd at least meet some people like myself, but I wouldn't be able to go until I get some kind of initial med treatment (too worried about being on the spot, even if others just like me are there).

I've been on meds twice now... both times I took paxil cr for about a month and when I was starting to feel the effects I quit. I guess I figured I just needed a "jump-start" to get me going. I've been off meds for about 1.5 years now and have decided to go back to my psych, get on meds, and stay on them. After I have the ability to actually go to a meeting I'm definitely going to.


Well-known member

I guess what keeps me from going on meds is that I have been med free for as long as I can really remember.

I really don't need a drug to modify me to get better. Infact, it would cause so much anxiety just being on the medications that I would probably end up worse off than before.

The big thing that keeps me together is knowing that I have not submitted to medications. For some, meds works, but for me they won't.


Well-known member
whenever i saw my doc at college, we never said too much. the first one i saw back at home we usually talked for 45 min or so but not too in depth. i'm not too keen on breaking down and crying in the office! :wink:


Well-known member
Hi Chilling_Echo (lol just edited to fix this..bad concentration ::)

Are you scared of being embarrassed by breaking down and crying or fear of weakness and/or a combination of both?


Well-known member
both. i don't like people to see me cry. it's like i can't control my emotions and that i'd look weak. i know it's silly, im not even a guy :D


Do you guys ever frequent the irc chat room posted in the other thread? The channel is #social-anxiety. I am in there now, but otherwise it is empty...


Well-known member
Never been to the IRC chatroom before.

Echo (can I call you that?):

I broke down and cried twice when I was visited for the first time by a psychiatrist and social worker student, and I'm a guy. I was feeling so weak and stupid :(

But I guess most of society is obsessed with controlling these emotions that it can sometimes get to the point that people lock everything up. The things that triggered me to cry showed me what pushes my emotions out of control.

I cried about the abuse of my Dad and when I was given a "You're doing well through this. It must be hard" support I also cried.

So far I guess I've found out that the emotions that I thought I had control of I didn't really. But it shows more about me.

It can be a + or a - depending on how you view. I would feel so stupid if I broke down and cried in an office. It was hard enough doing it at home :)

SO I understand how you feel. Isn't silly at all :)


Well-known member
Madcat, yeah, i'm getting to that point where i want to lock everything up but i'm beginning to find out that that's not the road to take! and thanks

Masterpiece, i think i understand what you're saying, if i'm on the same page as you, i think that's what my bf does, he won't open up to people and pour out his problems (and has difficulty being on the recieving end) just b/c he doesn't want to burden the other person. he doesn't handle stress well but to balance that he rarely gets stressed. i'll kill to be that way :D


Well-known member
LOL well couldn't resist responding to that last bit. Got anyone on your mind who you'd kill to be that way?


Well-known member
LOL well couldn't resist responding to that last bit. Got anyone on your mind who you'd kill to be that way?

i don't want to get into politics! lol

masterpeice: i'm gonna try to find some sort of herbal remedy cuz i don't work well with pills! might start there.