Can't get nasty thoughts out of my mind


Well-known member
I'm plagued by horrible thoughts which follow me around whenever i am awake..The only time i am truly away from the thoughts is when i am asleep :cry:

My thoughts are like an annoying person who won't shut up....The only difference if it was an annoying person i could just walk away o'r cover my ears...I keep busy and listen to music but my thoughts always find a way to creep back and say ''HEY YOU CAN'T IGNORE US!''

My main thought is of hurting weaker people than me; Women, children, babies, old people. Yesterday my sister gave birth to her first baby, and all of the sudden i had this image pop into my head that i was going to hurt the baby. This is very upsetting for me to live with, and even though i despise the images and thoughts i replay them in my head.

Another common persistent thought i get is a certain word (usually sexual) and then i repeat it in my mind untill it eventually disappears. Sometimes i will have one word stuck in my mind for months on end!

Why do i replay thoughts in my head when they hurt me so much? Why can't i realise that that the only way to get these thoughts out is to not think about them?


Well-known member
It makes me irritable becasuse my mind is never clear and relaxed, instead i have this commentary going on fucking chattering away in my mind...Like a stuck fucking record! Sorry for swearing but i can't help feeling so pissed off by it all! I watch films and i have no clue what the plot is about because i can't concentrate and miss it all. I listen to my music and it doesn't register and instead of sounding like music it's just a sound. My chattering mind stops me from enjoying life!


Well-known member
Your not alone with that, I cant seem to shake away some thoughts and the more I think I shouldnt be thinking that the more they occur. Mine also involve hurting or sexual contact but Its more what I fear I would do, not that I would because I definately wouldnt but thats why I get them because I know thats not me and Im scared of it. But It still is horrible having them, because its not your normal thought process. And there really horrible but they come out of nowhere.


Well-known member
Though I'm no psychiatrist, it sounds to me, from what I've heard, that they could be schizophrenic-like thoughts, instead of OCD thoughts. You should really talk to your psychiatrist &/or counselor (assuming you have one/them) about them. There might be some kind of med that could quieten the thoughts, or even make them go away. I used to get horrible thoughts (though different than yours) & they pretty much completely went away after I was medicated.