Daily Adventures with Weirdy


Well-known member
Congatulations on the cake, I wish I could have one someday.

The haircut is only allowed if it is proven with pictures.;)

I personally don't think about the olden days. And of how much of what happened in families stayed hidden.

"To infinity and beyond!"


Well-known member
Things just happen and we're just here!!

I understand where you're coming from. No need to feel like a mistake constantly ::(:!!

Interesting story <3 and get well soon from your fever.

Yum. Cake :)


Well-known member
Mom put her arm next to mine to compare the darkness.

...considering that I'm native-- my skin should be darker than hers; since she is Irish. but of course... no.

'your skin is so pale that it's see through!'
Yes. That's how it is when you have a sun allergy.
'You're like a vampire!'
So I've heard.

Funny story--- once in the city, a 'Vampire' approached me with the assumption that I was one as well.
He asked me if I was local and who he should contact about joining a coven.
My skin is very pale.
I have large, blue/green arteries that show through my skin, piercing eyes,
I have obtrusively long/sharp canines that show whenever I open my mouth part way.
So, I guess I can't blame him for thinking I was... err... a 'real' vampire. :rolleyes:
He wasn't asking in order to tease or insult me, at least.... I don't think...?

Vampires used to be cool, before twilight... I feel more offended now; being called a vampire than I ever did back in school.
Oh, yeah-- and I'm the whitest aboriginal I know! :cool:


Well-known member
So... I'm tired. What's new?

Went shopping last week. Bought some dresses, broke the fly on my favourite pants, bought some pants that don't fit or look as great as my broken ones... I think I'll pay a tailor to put in a new fly rather than try on another 100 pair just to find some that fit my shape properly.
Lots of children at the mall... and I mean ALOT.
One woman had 12 all by herself and they were going CRAZY.

Mom took me to the beach a few days ago - got sunstroke from being outside for 2 hours; magically got some megalobster sunburn - the next day, I went to the city and took a bus with my sister... a PACKED bus for 5 hours; spent the night at grandma's- slept, got sick, slept more, got woke up to be fed, got sick again, went back to sleep, got back ON the bus and came home.

...hell, am I ever tired!

I hadn't seen her in months and the last time we had dinner together, her pregnant belly was hardly visible; now it's a beachball.
I felt the baby slithering around in there-- she likes to kick in response to pancakes and cold things next to her head.
I think she might be part alien.
Sister thinks that she might be a redhead because her daddy is.
Little brother will make fun of her for 'not having a soul' but I think red hair is amazingly beautiful.
Either way-- she'll be pretty like her mama and smart, too.

I have therapy on friday and then I'm off to the city, again-- helping sister move into her new apartment, purchase new livingroom furniture and paint the nursery.
Baby will be named after a bird-- middle name after her father's recently passed mother.
There's going to be a huge babyshower in August that I'm super nervous about... so I might not go at all.
We'll see what the guest list looks like in the next couple of weeks.
I have to order flower arrangements and get some things set up with the venue she's renting... kinda reminds me of my days catering for events like these-- but this time I'm not the one cooking anything! ::eek::


Well-known member
Lots of children at the mall... and I mean ALOT.
One woman had 12 all by herself and they were going CRAZY.
High five for being childless!

I think she might be part alien.
December 21 approaches...!

I think red hair is amazingly beautiful.
Yes, I agree. Red hair can look really nice on a girl. I'm even a sucker for red hair dye. ::eek::

Baby will be named after a bird
Lorikeet? Sparrow? Haha.

You've been a busy girl, Weirdy! Well done.


Well-known member

So, after a few weeks of having zero energy and feeling fat, I went for a run in the morning-- with no energy.
I still have no energy.
I've gone running three times thus far.
Two nights ago, with mom. She was able to do about 4k of speed walking, then I dropped her off at home and did a quick 3k run.
Yesterday morning, 8k run.
And this morning, about 9k run.
My feet are dead-- heels covered in blisters. Not very pretty... and I don't feel any better just yet-- still have no energy and no appetite.

I noticed this morning that the town is doing some construction in the sports park down the street--digging for a septic bed, by the looks of it... which means they're probably putting in a change room/snack bar for the visiting teams who come all the way here just to play baseball or soccer.
It's where the dogpark used to be.
...or maybe they're putting in dog toilets? Who knows.

Mom wants to go to the beach today.
I'll probably cover up and just stand in the water as usual...
Just stand there and try not to listen to the sound of happy people playing in the water with their friends while I'm there alone and mom is sunning on the beach. -___-
Maybe I can imagine myself to Australia, instead?

My friend emailed me yesterday and then called the house at 2-- but I was dead tired and told little brother to eff off with the phone because my brain wasn't working enough to talk to anyone.
So, I called her back around 5 and we talked for an hour.
She said that she'd been hanging out with a girl who really likes anime; and that reminded her of highschool when we'd go to conventions together.

One night during a convention, she stayed up with me ALL night-- with zero sleep to help me prepare for a panel and 12 hours later, when it was over- we passed out in the hotel lobby and didn't wake up until the screams from fangirls cued us that we were being watched by ___________ (I won't mention his name... I suppose some people would think he's worthy of screaming for? haha) who came by because I was supposed to be at a dinner with a bunch of the other guests.
So- I brought her to the dinner and she was really shy and freaking out the whole time... anyway-- long, detailed story that I cannot tell, aside-- she had fun. I had fun. Everyone had fun. The end.
My feet hurt.


Well-known member
What do I do when someone is using the lavatory and I really need to go?

Stand outside, playing my guitar to the words; "I have to pee~ it's pee time!"
I am a rockstar. :cool:
One that has an unusually small bladder.

And what to do when someone has eaten all of my gluten free cereal rather than the regular cereal that I cannot eat?

Go back to bed. FOREVER.


Well-known member
^ Awww, I'm sorry. I don't even have any gluten free cereal to give you because I don't even have any myself to eat!
Also being allergic to rice and corn sucks A LOT!

I made gluten free pancakes this morning though, with blackberries. And they turned purple! They didn't come out as sweet as I would've liked, but maple syrup fixes that issue. I'm willing to share. :3


Well-known member
Also being allergic to rice and corn sucks A LOT!

Heck, yes. I can imagine it would~
I still haven't been diagnosed on the food allergy front-- so not 100% sure what the problem(s) is/are; I'm sick no matter what I eat, so I would prefer to just never eat--- but alas... I was a robot designed to be as human as possible and require nourishment through the form of foodstuffs.
It's a lose/lose situation as far as I see it.
I don't eat, I get dizzy and more depressed and fat.
I eat, I get dizzy and ******* and fat.
Love trying new food but I'm always sick and uncomfortable no matter what.


Well-known member
^ I really hope you're able to figure it all out someday, the sooner the better. Being sick from food sucks, it's so painful. ::(:


Well-known member
Went to a follow up appointment with the Doctor who did the mental assessment for me.

What did she conclude?
I'm smart, apparently. My IQ is 2 points above hers.... uhhh...
I suffer from Agoraphobia, Generalized Anxiety, Low Self Esteem, Paranoia
Am mainly introverted
My main problem is PTSD; everything else is just a side effect of that

She said that my recovery; since I do not have a good reaction to meds-- will be long and hard fought.
So, her recommendation to the board of Disability was that I was a good candidate for assistance.
She also recommended I see a Psych doctor on a regular basis alongside therapy and I do group therapy every other month.

So, that's the report she sent out...
I guess I should feel relieved or something.
Mom still feels bad or something that her 24 year old daughter is going to be on disability... maybe she's ashamed-- most people wouldn't understand, I guess.

The Doc also said that I should try some schooling online; as disability would pay for whatever I wanted to do.
I don't have any ambition to really do anything, though...

It's been 2 months since I last saw my therapist.
I'll have to call on Monday to try and get her on the phone and set up an appointment... but I'm a little scared she'll be mad at me even if she knows I'm terrified of phones... haha

My sister is probably going to have her baby in the next 2 weeks; a little bit early. She's experiencing alot of discomfort and the baby won't stop moving around at all. It's been a month and a half since the moving really increased and that's normally a sign, I hear-- that the baby is done and ready to pop out of the oven.

As a last note-- mom went on 2 dates with a man (whom she met on PoF) who she now believes is her soul-mate.
I remain cynical, I suppose.
She can have as much fun as she wants but she still promised us she would be going back to school in the fall, so she'd better not go back on her word to move in with another man who will just break her heart-- again and leave her without a penny to her name-- again, so that she can scrub toilets and live in low income housing until she dies.
I've just seen this happen to her so many times in my life that it's not even a surprise anymore.
Be happy, have fun but stay responsible for yourself, please mom.

I've been sick lately.
I just don't feel like bothering anymore.


Well-known member
I find myself not posting that much on here lately. I think it's because i'm finding it difficult to admit that i'm struggling to succeed in life. And I also think it's because I don't like to acknowledge the fact that I can't seem to shake off all of the negativity i've received. But when I read posts like Weirdy's, I realize how destructive it can be to believe in all of that negativity. To me it's puzzling why someone like Weirdy has let other people convince her that she isn't the person she really is. But I have come to realize that If you do not believe in yourself, like I do, then all the praise in the world won't make much of a difference to how you think you see yourself.

It is easy to be dismissive about SA/SP. So you had a bad time in school, big deal, so what. Just suck it up and get on with life. But I did exactly that and I still couldn't cope. And like many members on here who have been bullied, this happened during my adolescence. The time when you are trying to fit in with other people. And as you are more impressionable during that time, it can leave an indelible imprint on your mind. If my time in HS had gone more smoothly, and I began to experience that level of bullying now, then I would be in a much stronger position to deal with that. And I wouldn't have to keep convincing myself that I can succeed in life.


Well-known member
I haven't really been going out daily at all and now I'm in less of a mood for anything...
My therapist is leaving the clinic right when I had begun to feel okay talking to her (it took more than a year... haha) and now I'll be put on a list to meet with someone else and start all over again.


I'm going back to bed.


Well-known member
I haven't really been going out daily at all and now I'm in less of a mood for anything...
My therapist is leaving the clinic right when I had begun to feel okay talking to her (it took more than a year... haha) and now I'll be put on a list to meet with someone else and start all over again.


I'm going back to bed.
That really sucks Weirdy. Hang in there.