Describe your dream girl/guy


Well-known member
It makes me wonder if all the world ever sees is a black with an "identity problem"?

Oh God, that must suck.

I have an online friend who's skin is plenty black, but he struggles with continually being called Oreo.

The world is full of judgements.


Well-known member
You should be careful with that, not being treated like crap doesn't mean he's a good guy, you can end up with another *******.

True.. I don't know, I'm just trying to be less picky which is probably one the one of the reasons why so many guys run away from me at the first opportunity they get.


Well-known member
True.. I don't know, I'm just trying to be less picky which is probably one the one of the reasons why so many guys run away from me at the first opportunity they get.
Just try to remember that only because someone treated you badly doesn't mean you don't deserve to be treated well. You deserve a lot and if someone run away, to hell with them.
If it makes you feel any better, everyone runs away from me, and some even before they get close (which is kind of pathetic).


Well-known member
Just try to remember that only because someone treated you badly doesn't mean you don't deserve to be treated well. You deserve a lot and if someone run away, to hell with them.
If it makes you feel any better, everyone runs away from me, and some even before they get close (which is kind of pathetic).

I'd love to remember that but my level of self-loathing just won't allow it. In your case though, I imagine the only reason people run away from you is because they know deep down that they're not worth being a part of your life to begin with.


Well-known member
I'd love to remember that but my level of self-loathing just won't allow it. In your case though, I imagine the only reason people run away from you is because they know deep down that they're not worth being a part of your life to begin with.
I gladly disagree with that, but thanks anyway. I think it's more or less the opposite, as even when they don't find anyone better (i.e. almost everyone) they prefer to be alone.

Anyway when you realize you have no reason for your self-loathing (and this can go to a lot of people in the site) you will see how things really are.


Age: 16
Height: 153cm
I'm very skinny and I have white skin, brown hairs and blue eyes.
I'm empathic, understanding, caring, dreamer, fake, selfish, very shy, quiet, depressed, boring, humorless, sarcastic, easy to get angry, jealous, mysterious, secretive, not open, introverted, no social skills at all, rarely smile, unhappy, sad, loner, nervous, serious, anxious, stressed out.....

My dream guy:
Age: 16-25
Height: 160-185cm
Not fat. Not very long hairs. I don't care about the skin, hair or eye color, but I still like very much brown eyes and dark hairs. He need to take care of his hygiene.
I hope that his personality is pretty similar than mine.


Active member
Im 29
African American
6ft 3in
Skinny and tall
Quiet (obviously) and a tad bit strange

Dream girl? It changes a lot honestly but I like nerdy girls pretty much. And i like big butts and i cannot lie.

These days,it is insanely hard to make friends at all for me.I mean,I'm not vain or anything ,but sometimes I wish I be prettier and less awkward and scared.I'm not even sure what my bf sees in me,because all I feel like is an ugly,friendless loser.I even posted a pic in the post your picture thread (stupid,yes) and people told me I was pretty,but none of that matters when none of them even bother to treat me like a real human being:/Im sick of trying to make friends and people use my trust as an emotional crutch,heal and walk away..
(wondering a bit about the point of this thread but what the hell)

23 years old
180 cm/6' tall

How I look and how I am? kinda hard to answer objectively, you can always check my profile to see my posts (or more specifically the threads I've started) and mi pics ::eek::.

My dream she

5 years up or below me range

Looks and nationality irrelevant. As long as I like the face and there's nothing particularly weird about the body, All I care about is this three conditions:

0. She's single (duh ::p:)
1. She likes me back
2. We have common interests
3. She's veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery understanding.


Well-known member
British mongrel with a touch of Maori
hazel eyes
light brown hair that bleaches up a storm if I ever get it out in the sun which I never do
olive skin that tans up a storm if I ever get it out in the sun which I never do
65 kg (bmi 20.6)
C cup which is why I couldn't do catwalk
shy, nerdy and completely bonkers

rangy, with muscle definition rather than bulk
the set of factors that combine to make him unique
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Well-known member
Speaking from a purely physical perspective:
I am a 28 (almost) year old with the build of a muscular 12-year old. (lol, that sounds kinda freakish).
Anyway, ideally speaking, I'd say I'd be attracted to an older guy, about 5'8"ish, broad shoulders, dark hair, dark eyes.

That being said, I'm pretty darn happy with what I've got. ;)


Well-known member
You'll know if you do, if you're play wrestling with a guy and he goes from pretending to let you win to actually struggling lol. Deceptively strong
^ Haha

I'm pretty sure any guy could take me down. But at least I won't give in without a fight.


Well-known member
You'll know if you do, if you're play wrestling with a guy and he goes from pretending to let you win to actually struggling lol. Deceptively strong

Oh man, skinny little girl arms.

When I was working, we always used monitors with huge amounts of screen real estate, but back in the days of CRTs (god I'm old) there was simply no physical way I could lift mine. If I had to move it, I had to call in a guy, and even the most weedy of my male co-workers had no problem with it.

I also had a boyfriend who liked to bench press me.
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Well-known member
not always a bad thing

^ Actually, it can get scary when you realize that there isn't any way you're going to be able to move unless he wants you to.