Do you often get paranoid?


Well-known member
Hellraising said:
Do you often think that there's like hidden cameras or mics in your home, or like someone's outside with a binoculars spying on you or something?

i also have this feeling like im beeing watched, i do know that that is impossible and ridiculous but it just feels like that..this makes me always feel unconfrontable on my own room ..i actually thought it was normal and that everybody has it..


Well-known member
Hellraising said:
Do you often think that there's like hidden cameras or mics in your home, or like someone's outside with a binoculars spying on you or something?

i also have this feeling like im beeing watched, i do know that that is impossible and ridiculous but it just feels like that..this makes me always feel unconfrontable on my own room ..i actually thought it was normal and that everybody has it..


Yes, I experience quite a bit of paranoia everyday and have since I was a child. I take showers and change in the dark because I believe there are cameras and bugs throughout my apartment. I used to believe that others could read my mind, but after a couple of years those thoughts faded away. The paranoia for me is strange, because I ALWAYS believe there are bugs and cameras, but I don't always believe that someone is trying to kill me. Sometimes I will go out and be alright and other days I will think that at any moment a sniper is going to take me out from some nearby rooftop. I'm also afraid to wear headphones because I believe someone might break in while I am. I also have nightmares where I experience these irrational fears. Not sure if it stems from the PTSD, GAD, SP or OCD...just wish I could put my legs over a chair or my bed without thinking they will be cut off.
Yep. And I also worry that people can hear my thoughts.
But whenever I think that, I remind myself that if people could hear my thoughts they wouldn't be so clueless about me.

I'm very paranoid... about everything! Ive been given grief about it all my life.

But yeah, i constantly worry people can hear my thoughts- especially my mother and people in authority I dont like...

But if someone could read my thoughts and said it I'd be like "What are you talking about... PSYCHO!"

Attack is the best form of defence!


Well-known member
Paranoid about a lot of things...
But, I must have my curtains shut, nearly all the time. Although my window is not in clear view of the neighbourhood, or anyone (that I know of). I am afraid people will somehow see my messy room/see me undressing, so I must have my curtains shut all day.
I get some ideas of reference, but the severity/frequency depends on my state of mind.


Well-known member
Do you often think that there's like hidden cameras or mics in your home, or like someone's outside with a binoculars spying on you or something?

Yes! :eek:

I and when i'm asleep at night i think someone's going to creep up behind me and stab me. LOL. I know i'm being way too over paranoid and silly, but i can't help it, i just seem to think everyone's out to attack me and watch my every movement.