Do you think you're ugly?


Well-known member
Yeah, I think I'm pretty ugly. My family tell me I'm not, but they're biased so I don't trust them; therefore, I look to see how the world treats me to determine if I am ugly or not. From what I've seen, yeah, I'm ugly.


Well-known member
i'm having an ugly week. haven't thought i was pretty at all this week. i hate weeks like this...i want to hide in bed and not come out.


Well-known member
i'm having an ugly week. haven't thought i was pretty at all this week. i hate weeks like this...i want to hide in bed and not come out.

You are the COMPLETE opposite of ugly, Violet. Come on now, I thought we went through this when you posted your picture! You are stunningly beautiful, not to mention awesome! I would like to ask though, could you be my second mom? I'd love to have a mom that rides a motorcycle (as long as you can drive safely. You can, right?:rolleyes:) Now, I want you to get up, look into the closest mirror around you, and say, "I'm fabulous~" in a high-pitched voice, and then, start striking poses as if you were a model:cool:. You'll feel prettier in no time or, at the very least, you won't feel ugly!


Well-known member
You are the COMPLETE opposite of ugly, Violet. Come on now, I thought we went through this when you posted your picture! You are stunningly beautiful, not to mention awesome! I would like to ask though, could you be my second mom? I'd love to have a mom that rides a motorcycle (as long as you can drive safely. You can, right?:rolleyes:) Now, I want you to get up, look into the closest mirror around you, and say, "I'm fabulous~" in a high-pitched voice, and then, start striking poses as if you were a model:cool:. You'll feel prettier in no time or, at the very least, you won't feel ugly!

thank you...i really appreciate that:)

you know how it is matter how much praise or admiration you get you still can't make it gel for yourself when you look in the mirror. It's one of those weeks.

lol I'd love to be momma to most of the people here...for some reason my protective instincts kick in when I read what all of you go through.

i do ride safe:cool:


No. There are certain body features I feel insecure about sometimes, but on the whole I know I'm not ugly. For the most part I'm fine with the way I look.


You have a very valid point......

I shall place myself on the naughty step till I learn my lesson....

Na it was all part of Deadmanwalkings plan. You two would go out, the girls would see the ring on you and automatically converge on him. The mans a genius.


Well-known member
Na it was all part of Deadmanwalkings plan. You two would go out, the girls would see the ring on you and automatically converge on him. The mans a genius.
