Does anyone manage to go on holiday?


Well-known member
I just wondering whether anyone manages to go on holiday.

I'm a bit old to be going with my parents, and I don't really have anyone else to go with, so when I go its on my own. Last year I managed to go on a short break in the UK.

Its a bit of an ordeal at times, but at least it gets me out of the house, and there's that a feeling of accomplishment at the end.

What does everyone else do?


Active member
I still go with my parents, because I'm in high school, so I still live with them. I love going out of town. It helps me take my mind off of my problems.


Well-known member
I always feel much better when I am in another town. My fear is that if I go out in my city and someone I know sees me. ( I know it is wierd :roll: ) But with people I don't know I don't seem to care. So when I am on holiday I can be myself. I've just went on holiday resently and it was amazing.


Well-known member
Dill said:
I always feel much better when I am in another town. My fear is that if I go out in my city and someone I know sees me. ( I know it is wierd :roll: ) But with people I don't know I don't seem to care. So when I am on holiday I can be myself. I've just went on holiday resently and it was amazing.

I definitely agree. I feel much more relaxed when I'm in a different city as the chances of meeting anyone that knows me is minimal, and if I make some sort of social 'mistake', it won't be the end of the world as I won't see these people again.



Well-known member
i get invited to go on holiday with friends but ther is noway i could b around them for at least a week, i would b panicin all the time coz ther is noway i could jus come home.

rick xx


Well-known member
i went to america a few years ago to take a one month 3d animation course, i felt uncomfertable there and probably would had a lot of fun with the people there weren't it for my sa. they are cool people. nontheless it still was a positive experience. we went out to eat daily so that was cool and just being around those people was cool even though i had the feeling i was beeing judged negatively. it beats doing nothing for sure.

mabey i'll go on vacation on my own someday to some far away tropical place, i have lots i still wanna do, not sure if that fits my future but i wouldn't mind : )


Well-known member
I go on holidays overseas with my parents. There is no way I could handle the stress of it otherwise. Anyway I know people who still holiday with their parents at 21-22. I'm not too worried... yet!

By the way, has here been to Dubai?


Well-known member
I don't have to worry about that; my family has no money for holidays. We haven't been on one in about ten years, and the only family holiday I've been on wasn't even out of the country. I think I prefer staying in my house.


Well-known member
I don't have any problems going away on holidays by myself. Have even done some tours by myself. I seem to find it alot easier when I don't know the people and I can relax more as at the end of the holiday the chances are you will never see the people again.


Active member
Nothing stops me from going on holiday, used to go abroad twice every year, havent been in 2 years though. Not that long ago, in June my WHOLE family went on cousins, my uncles, aunties, my grandparents, mum dad and sis, except myself because i had college to go to, and would of failed the course if i went along.

During the 2 weeks while they were away i felt really lonely, stayed in the house on the computer for the whole time while they were enjoying themselves. Hadn't spoke a word for 2 weeks, was going crazy. :x

EDIT : Just gonna add.. only trouble i have on holiday is making friends. When i was a little bit younger, sitting at the pool with my family, my sister used to make friends and because i was on my own, my mum always expected me to go make some, always telling me to go up and talk to the other kids, i just couldn't. I mean i wanted to, but felt as if something was holding me back.


Well-known member
I haven't been on a holiday in 10 years, because i can't stay well enough,for long enough...with my insomnia and CFS. I think getting away is so important, because one get's so stagnant, when living within a certain radius. Hopefully soon, i can get away somewhere.


Well-known member
I have never been on holiday in my life, not a proper one anyways but that isn't due to the fact that I dont want to, its just that i can't afford to...So please send all donations to the LilMissTragic Holiday


Well-known member
Here’s an idea for a cheap vacation: we could start an exchange program. Swap families for a week. I would be willing to swap with anyone from a warm climate. You must be willing to come to Canada for a week in January though! lol


I manage to go on 2 holidays a year, one with my partner and our 2 year old son. We go to a holiday park and i find the most stressful time is going to the club in the evenings cos it is so crowded but i endure it cos our son loves the entertainment. I go on another holiday with my partner, our son, my 2 other children from previous relationship and his 3 other kids from previous relationship. We go on a boating holiday which is really relaxing just cruising down the rivers, we moor up at nite times near a pub but the pubs are never busy and because its the summer we sit outside the pub so i don't have to face anyone. I really enjoy this holiday and look forward to it all year.


Well-known member
if I go on vacation, I don't go very far, stay in Canada. Can't afford too much. But I don't have the best sense of direction :roll: so it is definitely a challenge going to different city, and find my way around. :lol:


Well-known member
My parents never go on holiday so I don't either. We choose to spend all our money on videogames and broadband, instead of saving it for a holiday.
The only time I went on holiday was a weekend in paris schooltrip. It sucked and I cried. Then I went home and never made a mistake like that again.


Well-known member
I've never been on holiday by myself. I used to go with family or ffriends when I was younger but since I got SA, I've had no-one to go with.

It does suck being at work listening to everyone else go on and on about their trips to all corners of the world and all I do is stay at home.

I would love to travel but it's the travelling by myself that I find in at the airport and hotel by myself, eating out by myself, trying to find my way around by myself, it all seems so intimidating. I would feel so self-concious and ill at ease.

But just as bad would be to travel in a tour party with a bunch of strangers.

It's strange, because I've occassionally had to stay away from home on business trips in the past and loved it...I think it's the sense of purpose, of having a legitmate reason for travelling by myself that made it easier. Simply going on holiday alone somehow makes it obvious that I have no close friends to go with.

I'd be interested to hear more from people who have travelled alone. Where did you go? What accommadtion did you stay in? How did you cope with eating out alone? Did you not feel self-concious about being alone when everyone else seems to be in happy families?

This is definitely one of my goals that I want to achieve.


Well-known member
Do you guys go abroad?

Holidays are a no-go for me. I cannot cope with the language barrier issue.

My mum gave me tickets for a short trip to Paris for my 21st birthday so I couldn't refuse. It was awful, my partner had to do all the talking and communicating because I was getting so worked up about trying to mumble out some C-grade French I learnt ten years ago. 8O