Don't complain.


Well-known member
Not offensive at all. My solution: get close to no one ever. (Wish I was kidding) :eek:mg:


Well-known member
Not offensive at all. My solution: get close to no one ever. (Wish I was kidding) :eek:mg:

That's a little excessive, though. Like... you can't just lump every single individual on the planet together and call them 'Manipulative and Heartless Humans'.

Or... well, you could, but you shouldn't. Probably.


Well-known member
That's a little excessive, though. Like... you can't just lump every single individual on the planet together and call them 'Manipulative and Heartless Humans'.

Or... well, you could, but you shouldn't. Probably.

I know, I was being sarcastic as far as productive advice goes.


Well-known member
You know where bullying come from don`t you. It come from weak people with low self esteem looking to push other down so they can build them selves up. A lot of people with SA has low self esteem. But not all people hear are that bad. their are nice people hear. As for not being a good friend to you in return. Not all people hear are master of commutation that the big part of what social phobia means.


Well-known member
You know where bullying come from don`t you. It come from weak people with low self esteem looking to push other down so they can build them selves up. A lot of people with SA has low self esteem. But not all people hear are that bad. their are nice people hear. As for not being a good friend to you in return. Not all people hear are master of commutation that the big part of what social phobia means.

To whom is this directed towards? 'Cause I don't know if I should take offense or not.


You know where bullying come from don`t you. It come from weak people with low self esteem looking to push other down so they can build them selves up.

This is what was believed for a very long time in the 80s and 90s, I think... but research has found that when it comes to bullying, the opposite is true. Bullies have too much self-esteem.

This is why the 'self-esteem movement' failed hard in schools.


Well-known member
To whom is this directed towards? 'Cause I don't know if I should take offense or not.
IT directed to no one . It basic on the study I listen to along time ago . where people who where bullied became bully them selves. I thought it might help to know to clear up what been going on here.


Well-known member
This is what was believed for a very long time in the 80s and 90s, I think... but research has found that when it comes to bullying, the opposite is true. Bullies have too much self-esteem.

This is why the 'self-esteem movement' failed hard in schools.

oh sorry guys that where I got the news form the 80 or 90. I feel crazy now for saying that . sorry again people.