Fresh Feeling: i feel like a child am 22 yrs


its a battle everyday, ive been battleing and altering myself to be what i think i should be or what others may think i should be so long i feel like i dont know who i am anymore, anyone feel the same?


Well-known member
- seems like a low self esteem issue

- Did anyone ever tell you that you are childish/not mature etc
or this is you worrying ie., in other words your anxiety talking

- you need to start doing affirmations like
I have meaningful mature conversations with people all the time
I am confident
My friends love to talk to me.

Repeat these everyday till you start believing in them.


New member
Some people say I look 21 but I m actually 28! I try to take it as a complement cuse I did rather look younger then look I see it as plus! Even though I do feel I m immature at times but I have enough experience so I can avoid mistake a 21 year old will made. I think a big part of life is experience.