Game: I never...


Well-known member
No ianswered up there ^ the one where i said that i woke up to myself - McShy slipped in there before me though - he was too fast for me.


Well-known member
McShy said:
redlady said:
I have never actually TRIED to increase my bust - BUT - i have wished that i was a little more well endowed *sigh* Nah i don't like the way men look at women with big breasts - they would just make me more self conscious.

I have never heard a Morrisey song.

Oh my that's a deal can you have SA and not be a Morrissey fan? I must teach you the wisdom of the Mozz!

They are not too big here - the first time i even heard of them was on this site.

As for the pipe - can't help you out there - don't believe i have even seen one in real life.


Well-known member
Who did that famous painting "This is not a pipe" but in French?? hmmmm

I have never even touched a pipe im afraid :(


Well-known member
o crumbs! im on the wrong forum! :oops: oooops sorry guys! this is the I NEVER ONE... ooops


Well-known member
Okay let's start a fresh - I have never been to Canada - THERE! that ought to get us going again.


Well-known member
I've dribbled on someone accidently? :oops: Is that ok? I hate spitting, vile habit!

I've NEVER liked toffee- urgh


Well-known member
I have - they could not be mistaken for any other colour.

I have never not finished a Jane Austen book.


Well-known member
I have seen a picture of someone riding a camel.

I have never seen the monty python tv show - it aint screened here - i have to be content with the movies.


Well-known member
I have :oops:
It was a "I hate you right now, and I know it'll pass.."
But still.. :oops:

I have never.. been in a relationship with a person of the same sex..


Well-known member
I have :D

"I" have a boat. Ok it's a family boat. I guess technically it's my Dad's boat :)

Hey, I must be a little dim but.. Can you explain the brother/same sex thing? I didn't quite.. gettit..

I have never cheated on my man/ boyfriend..


Well-known member
zoooo wrote:

Hey, I must be a little dim but.. Can you explain the brother/same sex thing? I didn't quite.. gettit..

I think that answer was to the "I have never told somebody i hated them question" - she said she hated her brother once - that paul wrote - it seems out of whack cause you were a bit quicker than Grum in posting a response so you got in first.

Threesome - well i have been with someone who wanted to.

I have never picked my nose in public. I pick my nose just not in front of others - no way.


Well-known member
i've have never picked my nose in public. I've been stuck with the one that was given to me at birth. No cosmetic surgery here. :D

and i have never swam the english channel.


Well-known member
I have! how else was I supposed to get back from France after being shot down in my Spitfire and meeting a cute French gir... do dreams count?

I have never worn my PJ's to McDonalds