Game: I never...


Well-known member
hehe! me neither, McDonalds is hell tho, and i feel i have been there in my PJ's! hehe

I have never faked an orgasm


Well-known member
I had to think back to my silly teenage girl days but...

I have. :oops: [only once, so stop tutting to yourself] :p

I have never locked myself out of my own home.


Well-known member
Wow, I'm impressed. You are one tough chick.

Oh yes. I have!
My hubby arranged one last year just for me :D

I've never had Social Anx.. no that one'll be too easy.

I've never been to Egypt.


Well-known member
zoooo said:
Wow, I'm impressed. You are one tough chick.

Oh yes. I have!
My hubby arranged one last year just for me :D

I've never had Social Anx.. no that one'll be too easy.

I've never been to Egypt.

Okok. I have (in my dreams).

I've never known anyone who's changed sex..

(Hey, I'm not talking in exchange for money here.)

(Hm. Just to make it clear; I haven't done that either!)

(That's it, you can hit reply now)


Well-known member
I have SEEN someone who has??? ok that'll do!

I've never ever ever...mentioned MY HUSBAND IN A FORUM hehehe


Well-known member
"NEVER SEEN MONTY PYTHON" hmmm what ru waiting for man??

I have never bought anything from a TV shopping channel, even my beloved QVC!!


Well-known member
Hey Young - do you mind if i snatch this one away from ya - it just so happens that i have bought something off t.v before - when i was a teenager and devoid of the cynicism that i possess now, i bought a little exercise machine off this infomercial - which of course turned out to be a useless piece of shit :evil:

I have (not) worn a dress for over a year.


Well-known member
I've thought about wearing them! in times of desperation and illness......

I have Never...liked clowns (vulgar)


Well-known member
I've thought about wearing them! in times of desperation and illness......

I have Never...liked clowns (vulgar)

I have! When Frasier dressed up as one and gave his dad a heart attack!

I have never been to America


Well-known member
Neither have I, but my father and brother have been talking to me about taking me to one:blushing:.

I've never broken a bone before.