Honestly, Do you literally have No friends?


Well-known member
I have a few, but they're not that close...Like I only see them every so often. I don't have anybody that I hang out with on a day-to-day, or even a week to week basis.


im just like you. Although, since i am in highschool, i have to deal with an occasional person trying to start a convo with me every now and then. The weird thing is that i seem to push them away. I think its because my social anxiety makes me so uncomfortable that i would prefer to avoid having a friend altogether then actually having to put forth effort and make and keep a close friend. Although i would love a boyfriend, and have actually attempted to flirt once this year, though the guy didnt like me back, and it turned out he was a senior (im a freshman.) so, yeah...


Well-known member
I used to have 4-5 friends in elementary school, why does it seem like everyone loses them but your elementary friends who get friends in high school stick around those ones?


I have no friends. I never really had those. In middle school sometimes I would hang out with them, but most of them were just, "friends at school". I changed high schools after my freshman year, and it was the worst there. I had 2 "people" I talked to a little in those 3 years, but no friends.
Attempted to go to beauty school but dropped out. Hard to cut peoples hair when you have extreme SA. Who would have thought!! :) Met a girl there who I considered a friend. But moved, she didn't seem like the best "friend" anyway.


Well-known member
i have no friends online or offline, simply because i just dont know how to make friends, it will just remain a complete mistery to me, they say you should talk to others and find people you have things in common with so you can socialize with them, but this is imposible for me since i never have anything to talk about or anything say, and i dont have anything in common with anyone so i cant socialize. So yeah i guess i wont be having friends any time soon either, each day gets more and more depresing, fml, death doesnt come soon enough.


Well-known member
I have a few online friends (for which I am very grateful). As far as physical friends to hang out with and do activities with, I have zero. It makes me feel pretty crappy. I wish I had a good friend to talk to and confide in. Yay for self-deprecation! :D


Active member
I have people that want to be my friend and hang out with me, but I stay home alone feeling depressed. And I don't do any online friend sites.. the idea of them makes me kind of angry. People with 400, 500, 600+ friends on their "friend list".. it seems like a joke to me (Unless they personally message everyone on their list daily..).


Active member
i am always being asked 'why cant you go out the house' or 'how do you feel about going out' and the honest is i really do not know,how is it for some of you?


I literally have zero friends. I have one parasite who calls himself a friend until he's gotten whatever he needs, and I dont really talk to him about my problems...I cannot confide in him or trust him. He is not a friend, but I am so lonely and sad I accept him as he is, even if he steals from me and manipulates me. :(

Rembrandt Broam

Well-known member
I literally have zero friends. I have one parasite who calls himself a friend until he's gotten whatever he needs, and I dont really talk to him about my problems...I cannot confide in him or trust him. He is not a friend, but I am so lonely and sad I accept him as he is, even if he steals from me and manipulates me. :(

Maybe it's better to have no friends, than a "friend" like that. ::(:


Well-known member
At school I have none, but I'm not on bad terms with anyone either (I think).
I have some aquaintinces who speak to me when no-ones about and when people see me alone sometimes they'll try and include, though I'm usuallly to awkward to do much but answer questions and listen.

I do have one good friend who went to another school but were growing apart as shes now a year ahead of me and we don't see each other much even though she lives so close.


I literally have no friends at, and it sucks because I would like to have AT LEAST one person I could talk to. I feel it's neccessary to have someone to vent to, and hang out with every now and then, it's a lonely feeling...
umm well.. I have more online friends, which I never met in real life.. lol
I don't see my ' real' friends very often, so sometimes it feels like having zero friends, cuz I find it hard to see them cuz of my SA. Anxiety leads my emotion when I want to see anyone I haven't seen in a while, Afraid of new unsafety when I don't know what's going to happen. But I guess that's a bit Autism too.

Anyways.... I have a few friends I know in personal/real life. It's too bad that I find it hard to make friends.


Well-known member
I have exactly one friend. I've been friends with him for about 8 years, which is great. While I have Sp( actually the diagnosis was 'ocd with some sp'), I don't have much of a social drive in comparision with a lot of people. I'de rather do what I do by myself. This dosen't mean that I don't have a desire to have ,say, a romantic relationship, but it's just not the highest of my priorities. I've never dated, 21, sometimes this bothers me, because that's an important part of the human experiance, but mostly I do what I do (math(algebraic combinatorics for those that know).


Some people talk about having 1 or 2 good friends. I literally have zero. Its to the point where I don't even know how to make friends. [it's quite pathetic] I don't even have online friends bcos Iam not on the p.c much
How many friends do you have?
How many online friends do you have?

I have a handful but that's because I typically don't believe in making a bunch of "acquaintences." you know how some people are.... they have tons of "friends." But I have 2 or three but one is my boyfriend, one is a penpal I haven't meet, and the other is in a few states away that I haven't meet either..


New member
I had good friends but for some reason in highschool I started to distance myself from them. Now I have one good friend but I moved away and we bearly see each other. I have many acquaintances (Which I met mostly through my twin brother the "social one") but it's still a challenge for me to make conversation with them or become close with them.