How are you feeling?


Well-known member
today im worried. Worried about everything, the FA CUP final (west ham fan 8) ) , University, Accomodation, relationships, friendships, traveling, family and wondering how many more years of my life have to be wasted by anxiety.


Well-known member
I'm nervous today as I'm going to a party, and there will be several people there I don't know... Oh well, at least I'm going out.


Well-known member
im very pissed off right now, my football team (west ham) got beaten in the FA cup final. It bugs me that the sport result effect me moods as much as they do. Losing today has really dampened my spirits :( :( :cry: :cry: :(


Well-known member
Just feel real good - kind of like if I was in love, but I'm not. I think about how much I'm missing in life because I really want to have fun in my life.. I want to feel good most of my life. Anyway right now I feel great, but sadly it's probably just temporary :roll:


Well-known member
kept in hand by this antidepresants...otherwise :(

sleepy, if i could i would sleep tiil the end of my days

guess i'm going 2 bed now


Well-known member
No friends to you septor so im relying on books and movies for entertainment...i think joining soccer again for next season might help me gain some new just tired of all the "where are all your friends" questions being fired at me all the time plus its healthy to have someone to chat to even if your not that close a friend


I feel bound and gagged, while handcuffed and wrapped in chains. I want freedom so badly, freedom to express and release my inhibitions. I feel driven by fear, driven to please and put out fires in my work life. I feel awkward and uncomfortable in conversations, small talk. I want freedom so badly, I know I am a different person underneath.


Well-known member
Well its friday, I have got friends who are going out, However cos its after work I cant be arsed to joing them. Im going home for a week to see the family, which doesnt worry me at all anymore (18 months ago it would have been a serious anxiety issue)

Im just bored with this life, most importantly being single. Im gonna be 21 in a few months and ive still not had a serious relationship (or any at all tbh). I know Im still young, but Ive got to do something about it. I know that if I got confidance and some self-esteem I could go out there and find some1, but i lack those attributes, so for now I have to be alone.


Well-known member
Weird... taking 3 new medications, started 2 already which are making me feel VERY tired and one seemed to be taking the anxiety away till I took the other, now I feel anxious again. wtf :evil:


This is probaly somthing you dont want to read if you dont want to hear moaning or anything negative.And sorry for going on cos i am gonna rant.. i dont expect any replies because im not gonna see posative at the moment im just writin this so maybe it gets it out of my system a little.

things feel so hopeless and lost at the moment i just cant see any hope way out or future.. feels like im being worn down everday and not sure i can cope anymore. cut myself yet again runing my body even more cos.. i dont even know why

Ive tried hard to be posative,i know thats part of the key to getting better but my whole life has been a ball of shit,bad thing after bad posative isnt somthing i know.. just carried on trying to absorb everything in the hope that i can make things better but im not sure i have the strength to anymore.

Its my 21st very soon.. yet i feel like a pathetic little kid whos scared of the world and lets people treat him like a doormat plus its just making me realise how much of a life i dont have.Even the things i can do at home or the rare times my anxiety isnt bad... i cant enjoy cos im constantly depressed.Sorry if this sounds like im being a drama queen but i feel like my soul has died.. i have no emotions or feelings except my misery... i cant even fucking laugh.

The only person i have in real life is my mum.. the rest of my fammily couldnt give a fuck.. but my mum even though her heart is in the right place and i know she loves me.. is the person i need to help me as she is all i have.. constantly uses me as an emotional crutch.. puts all her problems on me and is always negative about everything when she actualy has quite a good life i would die for..

I feel like an outcast among even other people with sp because i still have problems realting with them even though some of them are the most understanding ever.Im starting to think im too fucked up to be able to ever get better and im just living for nothing


Hey i am glad for you nadine, i wouldnt wish anyone to feel like this so im glad your getting better.And nice one for not harming i know how hard it is,its a constant struggle.

i still feel like utter shit but it means alot that you bothered and took the time,thanks just for listening and writing a reply.


New member
aahhh HELP!

Wow I had this problem since Highschool. Its seriously eating me alive.
I cant deal with it anymore, its driving me insane. I'm depressed, low confidence, full of self hate, just feel messed up in the head. I took the once in a lifetime oppurnity. Moved from New York to California took take a project manager position. Figured maybe I will get better coming out here. But deep down I knew it wasnt going to help me. How in hell I'm going to this job when I got no self confidence. The guy who got me this job has alot of confidence in me for the postion, I dont have any... I just want to die, its torture. Meeting new people in Cali is so hard for me. I cant be myself in front of them. I feel like an idiot just sitting at the dinner table just saying one word the whole 2 hours. People giving me weird looks, its painful for me. I'm petrified. I'm 21 years old and I feel like i'm still 16-17. I dont knwo, theres so much more to it...

Please give me some feed back on your thoughts. Thanks for taking the time to read this post.


Well-known member
its so hot, but im feelin great. Im not worried about anything atm and im just chillin out, i fancy a pint in a beer garden cos its really nice outside!