How are you feeling?


Well-known member
This is the type of thing that makes my blood boil. I wish someone his size would have stood up for you on the spot.
It's good that you stood up for yourself, so congratulations! One day he'll mess with the wrong person and get in trouble.

Also, you aren't a "stupid woman" nor an "ugly c*nt", he's just a psycho.
Be proud you dealt with that accordingly :)

Thank you!

I don't think i've ever felt this angry in my whole life like I felt in that situation. I'm actually surprised by how little his words affected me. He wanted to say something hurtful so it's either c*unt, b*tch, you are ugly or whore. Really mature man. He looked like he was in his 40's and really rugged. Like that pathetic losers opinion would matter :)


Well-known member
I feel so good,I feel like a god.I'm so freaking awesome ,I'm the best...there is no one as cool as me in the world.

Ok the jokes over.April's fools.::p:


Well-known member
A little hungover. I had a few old friends over last night for a big awesome jam with them and my roomies. It was pretty fun, there was nothing spectacular written or anything but it was just some good solid fun and I was banging away on the drums. I don't wanna toot my own horn but I feel like I've gotten better as a drummer which is weird because there was a few months there that I didn't even play. Oh well, good times. April Fools everyone!!!!


Well-known member
A mix of sad, hurt, self-pity, anger and bitterness.

Had a horrible experience yesterday. My God. I was in a grocery store lookig for some snacks before meeting my friend and feeling upbeat. Suddenly a man comes behind and says "stupid woman why are you standing in the way". I was so shocked. I hadn't done anything and this man starts to hate me. I then answered "shut up idiot". A little while after i'm standing at another place and I see him coming towards me. I'm not moving on purpose and he walks over me and I almost got hit by his bag. I then push him (I was so angry and I don't regret it, wish I had pushed him even harder actually). I got a little scared after that since he was much bigger and also physically much stronger. He didn't hit me but started shouting that I was a "ugly c*nt" and then something else that I didn't cath.

What a psycho. I'm still scarred. I wish something really bad happens to him. God i'm so tired that this world is full of freaks. But i'm glad that I reacted and didn't just stay quiet even though it could have been dangerous and I could have got pshysically hurt by this aggressive man.

Sorry you had to go through that. But you were really brave. Hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
I'm feeling very happy and at peace, and so I'm making the most of it by admitting it instead of being too scared to in case it jinxes it. I had an awesome weekend and just as I believed I'd 'got over' something I was really worried/sad about, it ended up being resolved anyway.

If there's one good thing about these spells of heavy sadness I go through occasionally it's that i learn something new about myself and over the past few weeks things haven't been easy for me but I'd like to think I'm stronger for it now.

I'm sure within a few hours I'll be back to posting negative things :p
Yay happy twiggle is happy :D

Hope it stays like this XP
I came to a conclusion last night that was both disheartening (because it is a fault of my own) and uplifting (because I actually came to the conclusion). I'm going to use a sports metaphor here, so hang with me. I've been living my life like a basketball game (or any other game that is timed). I've always assumed that, once I get the lead and the ball back, I would just bide my time until the clock ran out. But that is not a way to live. That's pretty much me saying that, once I've settled, I'm just going to stay that way until I die. But life is more like a never-ending golf tournament. I go out on day one, start at the first hole and work my way through 18 of them. On most, I'll shoot for par. On others I may do better or worse. But at the end of the day, there is always a tomorrow. And I go out the next day and try to improve on where I went wrong. There is no time limit. There is no final buzzer. It's just me and the course. And the only person I am responsible for (in this sense) is me. The only person who's opinion should really matter to me is my own. Of course I'll care what my caddy and my coaches (my family) think, but in the end, it's all up to me. I'm hoping that I can remember this thought and think about it when I start to panic about life. There is always another hole to be played. 17 others in fact! And there is always another day.

Also, I finally got out a piece of popcorn that has been stuck in my scraggle-tooth for a while. ;)

I'm glad you are having a good day, twiggle!
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Well-known member
I came to a conclusion last night that was both disheartening (because it is a fault of my own) and uplifting (because I actually came to the conclusion). I'm going to use a sports metaphor here, so hang with me. I've been living my life like a basketball game (or any other game that is timed). I've always assumed that, once I get the lead and the ball back, I would just bide my time until the clock ran out. But that is not a way to live. That's pretty much me saying that, once I've settled, I'm just going to stay that way until I die. But life is more like a never-ending golf tournament. I go out on day one, start at the first hole and work my way through 18 of them. On most, I'll shoot for par. On others I may do better or worse. But at the end of the day, there is always a tomorrow. And I go out the next day and try to improve on where I went wrong. There is no time limit. There is no final buzzer. It's just me and the course. And the only person I am responsible for (in this sense) is me. The only person who's opinion should really matter to me is my own. Of course I'll care what my caddy and my coaches (my family) think, but in the end, it's all up to me. I'm hoping that I can remember this thought and think about it when I start to panic about life. There is always another hole to be played. 17 others in fact! And there is always another day.



Well-known member
I came to a conclusion last night that was both disheartening (because it is a fault of my own) and uplifting (because I actually came to the conclusion). I'm going to use a sports metaphor here, so hang with me. I've been living my life like a basketball game (or any other game that is timed). I've always assumed that, once I get the lead and the ball back, I would just bide my time until the clock ran out. But that is not a way to live. That's pretty much me saying that, once I've settled, I'm just going to stay that way until I die. But life is more like a never-ending golf tournament. I go out on day one, start at the first hole and work my way through 18 of them. On most, I'll shoot for par. On others I may do better or worse. But at the end of the day, there is always a tomorrow. And I go out the next day and try to improve on where I went wrong. There is no time limit. There is no final buzzer. It's just me and the course. And the only person I am responsible for (in this sense) is me. The only person who's opinion should really matter to me is my own. Of course I'll care what my caddy and my coaches (my family) think, but in the end, it's all up to me. I'm hoping that I can remember this thought and think about it when I start to panic about life. There is always another hole to be played. 17 others in fact! And there is always another day.

I like that!

Roman Legion

Well-known member
Bored and irritated at the world.. Can't remember the last time I even came close to feeling just content.. Oh well, I'll get through it like always..