How are you feeling?


Well-known member
@bluedays yeah, i think i'll do that... as much as i don't want to flake. i just don't feel good- mentally and physically.
@bluedays yeah, i think i'll do that... as much as i don't want to flake. i just don't feel good- mentally and physically.

Is there anything in particular making you feel not so good "mentally and physically" at the moment? or is it just general life?


Well-known member
Pretty damn good. Found out yesterday morning that I'm about to get a promotion and moved to a much better department at work. On top of that, my parents renewed their wedding vows last night for their 30th year anniversary. Got to see some family I haven't seen in a long time. It was a really small ceremony, but nice.
Awesome! Renewing wedding vows is not a common practice, so hearing about this is nice.

I feel really bad. But I don't know why.
A horrible sense of foreboding.
I hope everything's okay.

If getting a hysterectomy was a simple process, I would do it.
I'm not a woman (what gave it away?), but surely there's a simpler, less-permanent solution to alleviating menstrual pain?


Well-known member
I feel really bad. But I don't know why.
A horrible sense of foreboding.

I often feel that way too Blue Days, but things don't often turn out as bad as I forbode.

It's when I'm feeling good, and a curve ball smacks me between the eyes that life can tak me down a peg or two.


Well-known member
I've taken the day off sick.
5 extra hours of sleep since texting my boss have made me feel a lot better but I felt hideous at 5am.
Now to have some soup...


Counting down the hours, but I haven't got the time / 23rd Precinct jumping on the line

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Nope - that would have been nice too though.
It's spicy butternut squash soup. In a cup.

I hate taking sick days but think I needed to today. Especially in this weather.

Actually that sounds quite lovely - I am sure it is nice and rich and creamy. Probably for the best - you don't want to make yourself worse. Better to be safe than sorry. Oh well - enjoy it, hope you feel better soon.


Well-known member
the high here is -7 for the day and schools are still open. Was hoping they'd be closed so I could stay home and take care of some housing issues and watch the inauguration. I need to get to my treatment program because they only close when the schools do. Bummer. Hope the car starts. Dog was freaked out by the cold. Have to use dog booties and a sweater. I am anxious as hell and get pissed when I wake up every day. I could live easier if a hospital outpatient program was open to me every day of my life. The social anxiety is so bad I am just upset no matter what I do. I am brand new here. Thanks for being here!


Well-known member
My mood is turning to crap again.

I'm getting so anxious about classes tomorrow. My mom needs to stop poking her nose where it doesn't belong. And I'm tired of her asking me about what I'm going to do once I get my associate's and discussing what I should do. What the hell is the rush? Jesus. :thumbdown: I KNOW what I want to do and I've told her more than once: I'm taking a year off. What exactly am I going to do within that year I don't entirely know yet, but I DO know I need a freaking break. I get that I have a stupid debt to start paying off 6 months after I graduate, but I don't graduate until summer anyway, so that alone gives me all the way until what? January/February of next year before I have to pay anything. I get that I need a job by then, and I will try to get one. Especially since I should have my license by then. I do plan on going to another school once my year off is up too, and that's what I will be doing for part of my year is nothing but researching schools of where I want to go and then applying once I get it all figured out.

I'll get there. I'll figure it out. Obviously it's not easy and heck I am a little scared and anxious about it all at this point too, but jumping down my throat certainly isn't going to help me any.