How are you feeling?


Well-known member
There's this void inside me... I don't think I'm able to be social or casual or any of that, I can't be comfortable in any situation, and I've gone unnoticed for the most part my entire life. I've tried so many times to be me and do something, do anything, and every attempt fails miserably. I'm miserable. I'm ready to end this shit, but I have nothing to do it with. If I had a razor, I'd try to cut off all of my skin. I'm an alien.


You want to know how I got these scars?
I hear and feel for all you guys. Wish I could help...funny thing is, I want to connect, feel part of a small close group of friends who are comfortable enough with each other to trust and confide in.
I really feel it's never going to happen though.
As Regret93 said, sometimes I feel like some sort of alien.
BlueDays, over and over..I wonder about death..again and again.
Graeme1988, no one to talk either, it's just me and my thoughts.

I sit on my couch tonight feeling empty inside again. I'm going to play 'the last of us', at least that makes me feel something.. Even if it isn't happiness. I will lay in bed soon after and play 'the walking dead' game.. Full of moral choices and sadness..but again,

at least I'll feel something.


Well-known member
Ah yeah , we are merely words on screen.
I have not that bad day , I suspected I would have. May be because I stopped surfing mindlessly, stopped seeking comfort online. No work done today , as never is, but somehow I am glad I survived without making it worse.


Well-known member
I just developed a it attitude and im feelin ready to take on the world....

No matter what I do, how little interaction I have with the world, how careful I am to not upset anyone else and always do the "right thing" there is always someone who finds fault with you and how you do things and then spreads their vicious little opinions like a virus to others until it reaches you. I no longer give a! I am having this rant to release my last bit of frustration rattling around...

I am no longer going to hide away getting upset, i am who i am and i do everything to the best of my abilities and always with good intentions.... and I'm going to stand by that front line and centre!


Well-known member
^It seems my life just keeps going around in circles, I keep ending up at the starting point over and over again.
Each year it becomes more apparent that the only way out of this maze is death.
I hope Uni is still going well for you, Mikey?

I have felt this way for some time, I am going to try to come of my meds and hopefully this will force the issue.


Well-known member
The fact that I am in college working toward my degree and that I have a part-time job as well is really good, and if I didn't have either one of those I'd probably be worrying about it. However, now that I have these two things together, I am so stressed and am constantly busy with very little down time. And that is really aggravating my anxiety and depression.

And little incidents here and there with people are adding up in my mind and taking a toll on me emotionally, and I'm finding now I'm feeling very low and like I want to just stay in bed all day, which is the absolute last thing I can do. On my two days "off" (not really off because I have school work) I sleep in way too late, today it was past lunch time when I finally stopped hitting the snooze button. This sense of dread will not go away.

I need to go to my University Health Services and talk to them, but the thing is, when? It's a priority but so are all the other things I have to do. I'm going to make an effort to get into that office this week. I really need help. I feel like I'm cracking at the seams... again :/

People like us, we have to fight tooth and nail against our nature to make our achievements. Don't give up. Keep fighting! After you graduate, then figure out how to create a lifestyle that is more suitable and comfortable for your personality. Right now, just soldier through it. You're in my thoughts.
People like us, we have to fight tooth and nail against our nature to make our achievements. Don't give up. Keep fighting! After you graduate, then figure out how to create a lifestyle that is more suitable and comfortable for your personality. Right now, just soldier through it. You're in my thoughts.

Thank you dottie, I really appreciate this post. You're in my thoughts as well :)


Well-known member
Squashed. I was going to skip the nap this afternoon, stay awake, and get stuff done—cleaning, organizing, I dunno . . . stuff—anything to get me one step closer to my escape from apartment hell.

I just managed to put away the laundry and tidy up my "workbench" a little, when BAM!—faceful of wall, right in the kisser. Right back to my usual afternoon so-tired-I-can-hardly-move-even-though-I-haven't-done-a-damn-thing mode. :kickingmyself:

It seems I will not be getting stuff done after all.

I guess it's time to stop dreaming. I'll never get out of this dump. :sad:


Well-known member
Weak, a little dizzy, touch of the shakes. I wonder if I'm anemic . . . or maybe my blood sugar's on the fritz. My diet has been appalling of late. Got a pot of beans 'n' rice on the stove. Maybe that'll help. :idontknow:


Well-known member
Like a loser. I got ready to go out with my coworker... But I haven't picked up the phone when she calls. I don't know why I do this...

So now, I am contemplating just crawling back into bed and staring at the ceiling. Completely procrastinating on my homework.
Weak, a little dizzy, touch of the shakes. I wonder if I'm anemic . . . or maybe my blood sugar's on the fritz. My diet has been appalling of late. Got a pot of beans 'n' rice on the stove. Maybe that'll help. :idontknow:
^When I was in hospital for something and was found to also be anemic, the nurse said it can take up to 3 months of taking iron supplements for your iron levels to return to normal.
Have you considered taking some iron supplements for a while?

Feeling dealthly tired. I can hardly move even though I have so much to get done.
I miss be a child because then you can sit and rest when tired because your parents take care of everything.

When you are an adult, and alone, you can be near deaths door, but you are not allowed to just sit and rest because there are always things that need doing. Resting for me right now is not an available option.

I have to fight the urge not to crash my car into a tree just to get some rest while recovering in hospital.:sad:


Well-known member
Weak, a little dizzy, touch of the shakes. I wonder if I'm anemic . . . or maybe my blood sugar's on the fritz. My diet has been appalling of late. Got a pot of beans 'n' rice on the stove. Maybe that'll help. :idontknow:
been appalling of late. Got a pot of beans 'n' rice on the stove. Maybe that'll help. :idontknow:[/QUOTE]
I get low iron too and that is how I feel, tired, weak, racing heart rate, shaky.. Check your gums to see if they are pale. If so, it's probably the iron. Feel better soon.

Like a loser. I got ready to go out with my coworker... But I haven't picked up the phone when she calls. I don't know why I do this...

So now, I am contemplating just crawling back into bed and staring at the ceiling. Completely procrastinating on my homework.
Aww, go out. It might be fun!

^When I was in hospital for something and was found to also be anemic, the nurse said it can take up to 3 months of taking iron supplements for your iron levels to return to normal.
Have you considered taking some iron supplements for a while?

Feeling dealthly tired. I can hardly move even though I have so much to get done.
I miss be a child because then you can sit and rest when tired because your parents take care of everything.

When you are an adult, and alone, you can be near deaths door, but you are not allowed to just sit and rest because there are always things that need doing. Resting for me right now is not an available option.

I have to fight the urge not to crash my car into a tree just to get some rest while recovering in hospital.:sad:
Stay away from trees my friend!
Working on projects and actually steadily going the volunteers job leaves me feeling quite fulfilled. It takes the guilt and pressure off doing nothing all day. Now I'm learning a skill I always wanted to learn, and helping the local community. It feels good.