How are you feeling?


feeling more stressed and depressed because :
1. I weren't in good relationship with my bestfriend(person,who i'm share my problem)we already not talking each other for few months. lovely father already gone rest in peace forever...(so sad and absolutely mess:-() daily activity at campus more sucks


Well-known member
Anxious. Insomnia. Terrible!
I am now eating a "Rescue Pastille" natural stress reliever chewy thing
they work wonders, placebo affect or not


Well-known member
Kind of pissed. I think my brother is going to soil himself again. My parents are mad and yelling again.


Well-known member
Today was alright (typical boring day) but I have to say that this week was pretty terrible. I felt sad, depressed and kinda suicidal in varying degrees. Dang, I need to get out of this city & state ASAP!


I'm feeling fine :) , I'm with my laptop on a chouch.. relaxing ::p:
But today will be an unevenfull day for me.. ::(:
My parents asked me if i would like to go to a mall.. But i said no..
although i would like to go... Next time i have to listen to my will.. and not let my fear decide ::(:


I am actually happy right now because I found you guys and it's really important for me
to realise that I'm not the only one with social phobia in the entire world!
It's cool. Not feeling alone


Well-known member
I feel bad. I've been worrying a lot lately because my mom's health has been getting worse & it was bad to start with & I'm also worrying about school. I missed both days last week due to anxiety, plus I only went a day a week the last three weeks before that. I'm dreading Tuesday when I have to go again because I can't miss anymore. There's a lot of other stuff I've been procrastinating on because it all involves people. I'm just sick of worrying about everything.