How are you feeling?


Well-known member
tired, sleepy, smelly ( I need to take a shower) , lonely, and weak. but I have to admit, when all is said and is good. :)


Well-known member
I feel depressed and ugly today. I don't know what to wear, nothing works, I feel FAT and my hair really doesn't want to cooperate.
worried and very unsure, i acutally need to talk to someone about a problem i got today, so if there is anyone i could confide in please pm me and i will tell u the problem, but also please dont hear it and then decide you wont offer support cause thats just mean and huge breach of my trust. So i ask anyone who is matrure enough at least 25 or older to pm cause i need advice.


Well-known member
omg, :eek: how dare u? why don't u tell the whole truth.. I let her win everybody cuz she was begging me to let her win and being the nice guy I am I did...wanna a rematch ?? and I not gonna be nice this time

Hey!!! I had 6 of those things left and you only had 3! We agreed that if I let you take some of mine then I can could take the rest of yours and win. Otherwise the game would have gone on for hours!

So yeah, I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN!!! and what rematch? you said the game was boring and didnt want to play again, thats because you suck at it!


Well-known member
Hey!!! I had 6 of those things left and you only had 3! We agreed that if I let you take some of mine then I can could take the rest of yours and win. Otherwise the game would have gone on for hours!

So yeah, I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN I WIN!!! and what rematch? you said the game was boring and didnt want to play again, thats because you suck at it!

we will see about that when I kick your ass next time and you shall see no mercy :mad: