How bad is your Social Anxiety?


Well-known member

My problems are probably amplified by depression. Most of the time I can't even get motivated to try and push myself.
omg! I am too embarrassed to post my score!::eek:::rolleyes:
No surprise with the "You have severe social phobia".....but, my (fear) and (avoidance) scores only differ by one point.....maybe I do have AVPD as well!?:eek:
106, did twice, same number. I honestly didn't know was that bad.
49 fear 57 Avoidance. Might as well be, I guess. Best of both worlds.

Hed Ake


I've failed two grades because of SA. decided to just leave school in between class when it got to be too much. I avoid people at all costs....

Lost Girl

Well-known member
54(fear) + 52(avoidance) = 106
You have very severe social anxiety.

Way higher score than what I was expecting o.o

Lost Girl

Well-known member
Maybe it is true? I've read from here that you're married and such... and seem pretty happy. To be honest, I think the test is pretty accurate if you give it accurate answers. Most people do have some "shyness" (who isn't afraid of public speaking?) but that doesn't neccesarily make it social phobia. Social phobia is shynes/introvertedness that gets in the way of you living a normal life (for example, I have never been in a relationship, I have NO friends, and I have a difficult time just saying hello to people - yet my SA is just "moderate" ;))

Now now, there are many happily married people round here.
I find it helps the accuracy of the test if you answer it based on how you would approach those situations in a relatively calm state. If you answer them assuming while you're on a panic attack, then the results will be higher.

Now now, there are many happily married people round here.

What do you mean? Hehe


Well-known member
Ahh mines the worst so far!

(64)fear + (62) avoidance=126.

Nooo that can't be right... im re taking this another day

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I find it helps the accuracy of the test if you answer it based on how you would approach those situations in a relatively calm state. If you answer them assuming while you're on a panic attack, then the results will be higher.
I did. Although granted, my anxiety has been a whole lot worse lately. + a calm state? ...Outside the comfort and safety of my home? What is this madness you speak of?! ::p:

What do you mean? Hehe
::p: silly billy, you said to Serafina that she perhaps may not have Social Phobia on the point that she is married and possibly happy, I'm just letting you know that there at least a few people on this site are happily married :).


Well-known member
53(fear) + 52(avoidance) = 105

apparently the only things i can do without an anxiety attack is eat in public (thanks sunglasses :cool:) and write. but writing is one of my hobbies and i'm real good at BS'ing so i don't trip on that too badly.


Active member
I got a 78, I'm pleasently surprised

two things that got me through it:

1. the bottle of schnapps that my best man brought into the choir room where we were waiting

2. looking forward to the honeymoon

I like that approach Coyote :)


not actually Fiona Apple
64+65=129...(scowling face) That did not make my day.
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