How do people like us find work??


Active member
:oops:Hi I've been socaily phobic for as long as I can remember. Anyway 10 years ago I left school and since then I have only worked for two years, it did not work out. The job was to comfrounting for me. Since my last job I have started 3 jobs only to quit, due my problem. Does anyone know of a particular industry that suits people with social phobia better than others??


Well-known member
I went from the smartest kid in middle school to a college dropout to 20 jobs in the past 10 years. All because of SC. I am 31. I have tried a couple of sales jobs living this pretend world I can do what normal people do only to find out after a week it aint so. I have no friends and came realise only a few years ago I have no friends but also will never have any friends. This somehow made me feel better. I am self employed now
as a landscaper but luckilly I talk to as little people as possible. I dont return calls due to fear and this hurts my business. Suicide is always there.


Active member
Wow self employed, I would be really happy with myself if I could manage being self employed. I only have 1 friend and that friend has problems like me only has managed to stay employed. I dont see my friend much these days.
P.S. Suicide is something I think about to, only I don't want to do it, somehow knowing there are things in life I have not experianced makes me want to go on and fight like hell to beat this thing.


Hi funnyman,
I've read somewhere that you find a lot of social phobics doing night-shift jobs, i.e., night porter, receptionist, since you normally work on your own.
Try that, all the best.


Active member
I will consider lookin for a night job or something where i can work on my own. I think it will give me a starting point!!!!!


Active member
Truckdriving, I never thought of that. Thanks. Currently Im working on getting past my anxiety, especailly were work is concerned. Its great to have ideas to research and consider.



I work full time as a temp secretary but I have to be on seroxat 40mg to do this otherwise I would not be able to work


New member
I think probably the best way is to find something that you believe in more than you care about what people think.

I think we have to realise that if we want to be able to talk to others we have to listen to them and be interested in what they are saying. If that is the case you stop listening to yourself. Not everyone on this planet is boring, people love to talk and with an ounce of effort it's easy to listen.

The irony is that I love being around people and having fun, but now I feel lonely and lost. I feel a bit of a looser saying this but in the past year I must have drunk about a billion coffees just because in a cafe i can feel that I'm still part of the real world.

In the last two years I've managed a grand total of three months work. I guess you could say this is close to rock bottom.

But I'm not going to give in. The way I see SA (as long as I can overcome it) is that it may not be all bad. SA for me made me question everything and although much was pointless some wasn't. I'm good at hiding how I feel eventhough I feel like running away from the person I 'm talking to.

Something that helped me (I might possibly be rambling now, so escape if you wish), the three months work that I did (actually two) was fundraising for a charity. Now something anyone knows who's done this job is that people can be rude nasty arseholes. They also have loads of excuses as to why they don't want your charity. So when they gave their first excuse I wouldn't say anything, they'd give another and another and another, until you could see the embarassment in them and they'd give in.
What I'm trying to say is that you don't have to talk to anyone if you don't want to.... even if they're talking to you. See what happens if you ask someone a question and when they answer you say nothing but look them in the eyes. Realise that we must take control and enjoy being in control.

I am 26 years old and I don't want to suffer from this anymore. From tomorrow morning every negative thought I have will be kicked with logic. If I feel like running away from something I'll take it head on. I'm going out to get a job and my life back.



Never give up. Have you tried meds? They really help. I walked out of countless jobs before I was able to work properly again. It takes time and confidence building I started with part time work


Well-known member
Camp america

I found Camp America helpful. I went the summer before I went to uni, only at that time I didn't understand what SP was or how it effects your thinking.
Theres loads of people that go to get away,start fresh the idewa is nobody knows you and your out there to have fun no one cares really.
Its a great experience.


Active member
I plan to start with volunteer work, then part-time work and on to full-time work. I hope it works. It could take years, but I guess its worth it.



thats exactly how I started. First with volunteer then part time and now full time. Keep going. It may take years give yourself time


it aint easy

I have to battle my social phobia each day at work. Sometimes I have really bad anxiety and want to run from the building but I have to push through because I like the money I earn and I need to work to be able to get on with my life. I spent two years at home doing odd volunteer work and then part time


Active member

Its good to see that what I plan to do, has worked for someone else. Thanks Spacecadet.



I am in a big open plan office at the moment and it is really testing my phobia. I am sitting tight but not comfortable.

Hope you do well. Don't rush yourself and do volunteer work for quite a while till you get experience and confidence and remember you'll have bad days but you have to keep on fighting like christina aguilera