I feel more comfortable with Women...


I found it easier to talk to women cos they tried to understand... they were more forgiving...I have this knack of being too careful when i talk...I am nervous that i might slip... i try to be perfect... and usually i end up being silly... Guys see right through it and taunt me with their expressions... i feel heartbroken, cos i was so careful and still i slipped and got ridiculed... But most women didnt do that to me...when i would muster my courage and look them in the eyes they'd hold me in, make me open up... let it out! and i'd warm up to them and be 'the real me, behind the mask'... the guy i keep hidden from the rest of the world.... I owe it to them big time... i can never forget them, cos they saw me when i was invisible... not many people in this world are capable of doing that...

see you know... girls are a little weird tho for me. Sometimes I think they can be just as cold and calculating as the men, after all, even their boyfriends can be as cold and calculating and 'super macho', and well they may think that guys have to be "super macho" otherwise they don't deserve to live thought "natural selection", and they are the sort of "gate keepers" in the "book of life" in that sense. They can play the nice girl all they want but on the inside it could be totally different and they might just be tip toeing around my softness. Because hell, it just sucks the whole stereotypes people have of gender roles. "Girls are weak and guys are strong". So ANY sort of perceived "weakness" can tend to be group together with "feminine" so that means any guy who shows any sort of weakness, they are thought to be feminine, or "less of a man/human freakin being". You know that whole stereotype of the "alpha male/beta male" extremities... And how women can't supposedly tell the difference between inner strength and "external showy" strength, but also guys can be really deceptive. What if you wear external "weakness" as a mask?

Don't take my kindness for weakness.

And I mean really these stereotypes are also not all woman's fault. What about male's role in this? Are us guys supposed to be by nature brutal? Is this the message we want to communicate to each other? That we are unrefined, brutal, impoverished cavemen? Are women then supposed to be purely attracted to brutality?

Sigh, I dunno. sometimes I feel I am judged by women because of this. It might help though to let them know that guys are human beings, and they should not be expected to be perfect, but they can be simple and genuine.

though, I get along more with I guess you can say women that aren't so freakin uptight with me, but I share compassion with all of them.

it's been easy for me to fall victim to the above stereotypes. Especially because I have been lacking in enough or "close" relationships with females, and even males, such that I guess I don't really know how people really are on the inside. My mind just gives up to the stereotypical images, and generalizations, especially when you don't see much different, or all that you have seen from others is their sheaths, and not their inner selves.
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I have the same feeling on a number of occasions... My heart feels warm, i feel moved and attracted but then my mind gets critical of my feelings... But i have this ability to ratioanlise my feelings and get a better understanding...Two of my co-worker friends were females... i recall that on my first day at work they were the only ones who asked about me sincerely...It's been over a year since that day... They have both left work but not a day goes by when i dont miss them... If i were to leave work myself today, i could guarantee i wouldnt have the same feelings for the rest of the people in my workplace... The underlying reason being that those two were empathetic and the rest ARENT.... I also like older Women more cos they are mature and smart, and also cos i found it easier to bond with them when i needed help at work cos of my inexperience...


I have the same feeling on a number of occasions... My heart feels warm, i feel moved and attracted but then my mind gets critical of my feelings... But i have this ability to ratioanlise my feelings and get a better understanding...Two of my co-worker friends were females... i recall that on my first day at work they were the only ones who asked about me sincerely...It's been over a year since that day... They have both left work but not a day goes by when i dont miss them... If i were to leave work myself today, i could guarantee i wouldnt have the same feelings for the rest of the people in my workplace... The underlying reason being that those two were empathetic and the rest ARENT.... I also like older Women more cos they are mature and smart, and also cos i found it easier to bond with them when i needed help at work cos of my inexperience...

Sometimes I think women are way too critical of men. I think the same of men because they can be ignorant as well but I think men might be a little more lenient because they too have been rejected by women. Women have less of a problem with rejection I believe. I think they do have their rejection but, it's less of a problem. The other problem women might have is that a lot of men might have used them in the past, whereas I'm not useful for anything except for perhaps something very bad.

I happen to think older women can also be far more critical. They've seen more men in their lives, might have built up a whole lot of critical ideas about men.


Well-known member
I feel more comfortable with older women who are in their 30's o'r 40's because i feel less pressure to appear cool, what i mean is a lot of women my age ask me stuff like if i am going out to clubs and i feel awkward saying i don't go out.