I think


Well-known member
i used to be a korn kid. when i was in middle school i was all about some korn. i just don't like the new stuff. the older the better haha. i remember when i IDOLIZED jon davis, i used to think he was so hot haha. oh the days...


Well-known member
oh yeah, you said european tour, i see. aw :( that's weird that he plays back stage though. i still listen religiously to system of a down, deftones, and a perfect circle (bands that i picked up from back then) but your korn is my incubus :D


Active member
ill give you mine its [email protected] although i dont use msn messenger with that one, if you have/will set up an msn group ill chat on it.

btw messenger is on windows automatically but its windows messenger not msn and i think it doesnt let you use it anymore.