I totally recommend taking recreational drugs.


Well-known member
paragora said:
Drugs are for people who are insecure and don't know how to have fun.

Having in mind what board we are on , is your statement suggestion or advice ?


Well-known member
rado31 said:
paragora said:
Drugs are for people who are insecure and don't know how to have fun.

Having in mind what board we are on , is your statement suggestion or advice ?

Why give it any credence.?!. It's a pathetic thing to say from a pathetic person no doubt..!!


Well-known member
Silvio said:
rado31 said:
paragora said:
Drugs are for people who are insecure and don't know how to have fun.

Having in mind what board we are on , is your statement suggestion or advice ?

Why give it any credence.?!. It's a pathetic thing to say from a pathetic person no doubt..!!

I dont want to argue with no person on this board including you.
So , u can say whatever you like about me i simple dont give a damn.


Well-known member
i like drugs but i prefer downing a beer or 2 and getting totally wasted and not remebering fuck all the next day. My m8 was smoking weed next to me once and i got totally fukked off it :S couldnt even move i was so wasted :)


No, he said you were pathetic because of the comment you made.
Which, although is a blatant verbal attack, was very well aimed. Your comment was not exactly diplomatic.

Also generalising like that is no good at all, there're an infinite number of variables to take into account.

I used to do drugs, but now I don't. Was I pathetic and now I'm not? But someone I know who's been straight edge their entire lives and is exceedingly clever tried drugs for the first time this weekend, are they now a poor excuse for a life?


Well-known member
Hey Marvolo, living in Poland has to be the best place for Amphetemines..?!
I had some Polish speed not long back & it was so strong..


Sen said:
I used to do drugs, but now I don't. Was I pathetic and now I'm not?

Dude, read my statement again. I never said people who do drugs are pathetic. I only said they were insecure and dont know how to have fun, which I still stand by.
No I'm not religious, and yes I have done drugs in the past as well.
And as for your comment on generalization, I think I pretty much can generalize on a topic like this. It's not the same as for example assuming everyone who is obese, are that way because they eat unhealthy and don't exercise.
People who do drugs know what their getting themselves into.


Well-known member
paragora, your statements are about as much use as a pair of sunglasses on a man with 1 ear, they make absolutely no sense at all.


Well-known member
rado31 said:

Unlike polish and english its fonetic. I would like to learn polish, since there are some similarities and its sometimes understandable

Polish is but pretty fonetic as well. Much more than English. :?

Actually, there're some similarities. But it's difficult to read it in the different alphabet...


Well-known member
Silvio said:
For any Government to prohibit you from putting what you like/choose in your own body is an attack on your civil freedom rights.
Smoking kills more people than Heroin, Cocaine & Amphetimines combined.
I personally enjoy taking large quantities of recreational drugs & washing them down with many Pints of Lager or Cider. Doing this helps escape this reality which i don't want to be a part of & have helped me more so than any Counsellor or Doctor.
So i totally endorse the use of recreational drugs & living life how you please & not by pleasing anyone else.

Taking any drug in moderation isn;t that bad. However, taking these drugs on a regular basis is just avoiding your problems, and creating new ones. I have had problems with alcohol for 10 years. Taking drugs ocnce a blue moon is ok, but limit your comsumption.


Well-known member
Marvolo said:
Silvio said:
Is it true that the average weekly wage in Poland is around 2 Euros & a turnip..???

What stupid person has told you such bullshits? :?: :?: :?:

My friend got all mixed up.. He's just told me it's 2 turnips & 1 Euro..!


Well-known member
Silvio said:
My friend got all mixed up.. He's just told me it's 2 turnips & 1 Euro..!

So tell your friend - I don't know where does he come from - that there's not the same in other countries as in his country. Maybe he earns 2 turnips and 1 euro a week, but it doesn't mean that people earn similarily everywhere.

Aha, and tell him to get sober. Visibly he abuses some recreational substances which mixes in his brain.