Is internet dating a waste of time and money?


Well-known member
Hi all, hope everyone is okay
Anyway, I've been a member of an internet dating site for a few months now and progress has been slooooooooowwwwwwwwwwww. There's several things that I'm not to sure about when it comes to internet dating like....

why are these girls sending me messages/why are they on here. All the girls that have sent me a message (god bless them) have been some what out of my league. Is it just another gossip thing for them-telling people what they've done-doing-going to do, without actually wanting to find someone?

Also, everytime I've sent a message to someone (who hasn't sent me a message first) they have never replyed!?

I'm also not sure on how to take it to the next step i.e. getting out of the meaningless talk about the flipping weather or favourite pair of socks etc and progressing without it seeming like I'm being to forward or even worse some kind of pervert.

I'm starting to think that maybe I should do something more face to face like speed dating : (

Has anyone had any success with internet dating-if so any chance of some advice?

sorted, respect due!


Well-known member
I don't think you're going to get much feedback from peoples experiences with internet dating here, bearing in mind the nature of the forum. Might be wrong though.

I think you're being a little paranoid as to the motives of the people who use such sites. They use them, simply because; it's an easy way to find potential partners. :eek:

I created a profile myself a few months back just to see what kind of response I'd get out of interest, and I currently have 14 emails (which I can't read as you have to pay), around half of them are good-looking, to. So I'd say it's certainly worthwhile, IF you can actually go through with meeting them.

If you think that you can actually go through with meeting them, or go speed dating, then I say go for it. :)


Well-known member
Ha, ha-look at the spam advert they put in my message

I don't live in the US so I can't go to wall mart. I have thought about trying to chat to women when out shopping but I always think I'm pestering them and its bad enough when I have to speak to the cashier when buying something nevermind starting the conversation.


Well-known member
Most of them are. There are probably some legit ones like E Harmony(I have no clue - I am guessing), but a lot of them have fake ads and use nefarious tactics to keep you paying. Also, if you meet someone online via a chat room or something, make sure you know them well before getting married(or meeting them in person). I know someone who met someone in a chat room and they got married without getting to know each other well enough. They lived far apart and only knew each other via chatting and talking on the phone and a few times where physically together for a short period of time. Looks like a divorce is coming....

It's best to find someone the old-fashioned way, but you can meet people via online forums, games, etc. Look for a forum discussing something your are interested in. Then if you meet someone, you already have a mutual interest. If you want to pay to join a personals site, make sure you read reviews, do your homework to see if it's legit.
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Well-known member
hey chip its gazz i met my girl on a chat room hey keep going mate , i was lucky i guess , dont give up mate xx err not sending you kisses cos im queer just cos i want you to find the love of your life and be happy , gazza
I met one man from the internet but it didn't go well - his advert on the site was much nicer than his real life self!

But my mum is well up on internet dating.. she's met a few men now from dating sites and was with someone for 2 years.. they then split up and she's now with someone who she's head over heels in love with! So i guess it can work.. :)