mini messenger etiquette

Is there an ideal way to talk to someone in mini messenger?
Should you wait until they invite you first?
Is it considered impolite to just pm someone randomly?


Well-known member
I don't mind being randomly massaged.

I don't mind being randomly messaged, either.

But, depending on the circumstances, I might not always be able to get into a conversation.

You never know what someone on the other end of the interweb is doing when you message them - don't assume they're being rude if they're not able to talk right then. They might be at work or doing their taxes or watching porn or something.
Unless stated otherwise, the ''online'' symbol is pretty much a go-ahead for talking to them. ;3 I just always start with ''Hi'' or ''Hey'', after they say hello back, I ask how they're doing. By then it's usually enough to tell whether a person wants to talk or not. :3's my day off work ;]

Of course ::p:

I don't talk to anyone on mini-messenger, and only pm people I already know... I guess I just assume that they won't want to talk to me. And I suck at keeping up a conversation on the rare occasions that people have randomly messaged me. I think I did much better in the old chatbox days when it was on the main page and a lot more active... in a "group chat" setting there is a lot less pressure on any one person to keep things going.


Well-known member
If they didn't want you to message them they would appear offline, gray or black and not green.


Well-known member
I've been on the forum here for about 2 weeks or so and haven't IM'd anyone yet. It's just awkward for me. I'll wait it out some more.


Well-known member
If they didn't want you to message them they would appear offline, gray or black and not green.

Yup! I'm always offline. And I definitely don't mean it to look antisocial but most of the time I'm multitasking and I feel rude if I'm not giving someone my undivided attention. Especially since on this site if someone messages you they need to vent, and that requires full attention. PM is the way to go for me!


Well-known member
If someone doesn't want to risk being messaged, I figure they'd change their little dot from green to red or black. Otherwise, they're fair game!

Just be friendly and respectful, and you shouldn't have any problems.



Well-known member
my chat thing never works for me, or amybe I'm doing something wrong. It tells me to log-in to use it but I am logged in....once every blue moon it will randomly be on


Well-known member
I've never been good with instant message conversations... plus I assume people will think I'm weird if I just randomly PM them without a good reason.


Well-known member
Well, I thought it was weird when someone randomly PMed me first, but then we had a really nice conversation.. :)

I'm mostly grey these days too (after I figured it out - I didn't know about this at first, lol!). So PM would probably be the way to go for me too..


Well-known member
be aware that you show up as being online on mini messenger for a while after you log off, a couple of times someone sent me a message and i only get it when i log in next time


Well-known member
I've only been messaged via the mini messenger once.. I forgot who it was. My no script addon blocks a lot of stuff though so I'm not sure if they received my reply. I got the message late any who since, as said before, your logged in on it long after you log out the forum. So I have no clue if it even works properly for me.


Super Moderator
I think I should apologize to the people who messaged me in the mini messenger before and I didn't reply to. I'm sorry guys... If I don't reply it's not because I don't like you and I'm not ignoring you, It's because real time chats make me freak out a bit. It takes a LONG time for me to feel ok to chat with someone without getting anxious, and even around really close friends I might get panicky sometimes. Heck, even around my bf I get afraid that I screwed something up.

So yeah... that's the reason. I love to make friends, and I really appreciate the friends I've made here. All of you are awesome. but I still have this issue and I feel really guilty when I can't just talk to people. I don't want them to think I don't like them ::(: I hope none of you are mad at me for that. And I hope I haven't hurt anyone's feelings.

Also, if anyone wants to talk, you can PM me. I function much better that way.

I was wondering if anyone else has the same problem or I'm just a freak.


Staff member
same here hellhound, if anyone tried using it just PM me instead, only half the time does it work for me.