mini messenger etiquette


Well-known member
I was wondering about mini-messenger etiquette too. I don`t want to be a snob online by not messaging them, but I also don`t want to be a creep by messaging too much either or messaging them at all. Lose lose situation lol. I don`t know I guess I worry too much :rolleyes:::(:
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Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well, if you wish to speak to someone and are not too shy, you may pm them. I see no reason to hold restraints. It is not meant to be very formal.


Well-known member
In the past I always messaged people. That is why now I feel special whenever someone messages me. Unfortunately many times I am too busy to chat. And when I am not too busy to chat usually nobody is online to chat with. Murphy's Law. I sure wish someone would arrest Murphy.


Well-known member
After getting a random "hi" from another member, I decided then to do the same. I usually say "Just thought I'd say HI! Hope you don't mind and I apoligise if you do." And just leave it at that. If they want to reply great, if not I don't mind and understand. It doesn't always work but hey.

I don't mind if others want to randomly chat to me, I actually welcome it. So, if any of you want to chat, sure to say "Hi" :)