Most Annoying Questions,


Well-known member
Why do you look sad?
Why are you so quiet?/Why don't you talk?
Why are you never on msn?
What do you do all day? I mean, I never see you!
Why are you avoiding me?

Are you a vampire?

... -_-


Active member
Why so quiet?
Why so sad?
Why so angry? (My brother after I talk)
Are you bi-polar? (My brother after I snap at him for annoying me...)

The one that irks me the most is:
Why don't you have a girlfriend?


Active member
"Don't all talk at once". Well if i wasnt a freaken SA i would be talking more wouldnt i ???

Silvox Black

Well-known member
Well some of these are not questions...but anyhow,

"Dude, why are you emo?"

"*snickering* What's the name of that band on your shirt?"

"Why don't you smile?"

"There's something wrong with you."

"I'm not making fun of you! Seriously!"


Well-known member
"Can you like, not panic today please?"

Yeah, if it was that simple, i totally wouldn't panic lol. :rolleyes:


Well-known member
Ugh. People annoy the piss out of me. I can relate to most of these questions/statements that you guys have posted. Especially "why don't you just stop?", "you just aren't TRYING to get better.", "why are you like that?", "why do you worry about THAT kind of crap? Calm down!"

Gotta love ignorance.


Active member
„Why can’t you even try to integrate?“
“Why are so quiet/mute/withdrawn/strange…?”

I’m glad to see that I’m not the only one feeling annoyed by these questions.


Well-known member
"So what are your plans for the future?" *Oh noes*

Not really a rude question, just one that completely shuts me up.


Typical questions people seem to have posted

"Whats wrong with you?"

"Are you retarded?"

"Why are you so quiet?"

"What are you thinking about?"

People mistaken quietness for being slow....I hate that.


"Where did you go this weekend/summer/vacations/holidays?"

I hate this question because someone always asks and I never go anywhere and since I am too lazy to make something up, my answer is always the same "I stayed in the city" and then they think I am so boring and they are right.
dont you talk?Youre soooooooo quiet.
I used to get that as a teenager which does nothing for that person to feel comfortable enough in the other persons company
I get the:
why are u so sensitive
why dont u drink, party etc
get a hobby
just go talk to people

I also get messed with all the time because of the way I react to situations


Well-known member
I got these in jr high school:

"Do you ever talk?"
"I've never heard you say more than 2 words."
"Do you curse? Say ______" (enter curse word there)
"Why are you so shy?"
"I used to be really shy like you." (okay...???)

I've gotten these after high school and when I became less covert with my stuttering and started to tell people about it:

"You don't stutter."
"Really? I've never heard you stutter." (yeah I was wouldn't have...)
"It's hardly noticeable." (stuttering is more of a mental thing than anything else)

And something that totally bugs me is when people finish what I am saying....esp when they get it wrong and I have to go "No.." and start all over again. Ahhh!!!!