New. How old is everyone?


Active member
am 30 female from scotland welcome,

i notice quite a few of u are only 16 i had sp since i was 14 and i didnt no wot was wrong with me untill a couple of years bak i wasted to many years hideing away and now am waitin on to get further help am glad use have realise there is such a thing as sp and u can get all the help u need and mite live a normal life ( we all hope we can ) i think i just live a a bubble and waiting it to burst i have wishes and dreams i want to party i want to stand in my street and screem i want to work i want to see the world all i want is to b happy


Well-known member
happywannabe-i liked what you wrote about the bubble and wanting to party and all that.

i think the reason we 16 year olds found out about it is because of the net. its big and wasn't. easy to learn stuff now.


I'm 26, from the US. I was surprised at the dismay expressed by some people who are 30+. If you're in your 30s, you're still very young! :D I know that it would've been great to find out about SP earlier but hey, better now then never. I only found out a few weeks ago, until then I just thought I had low self esteem. Since finding out I've been researching it and its already helping me out. I'm going to try a few of the books first and later decide if I want to go into therapy.


Well-known member
I honestly hate you more than most of the other people

Dear South America,

Oh wait. Whatever continent your drugged up parents named you after. Just kidding. But seriously though, your parents must have been drugged up.

Anyway....STOP THAT FUCKING SHIT RIGHT NOW! OH MY GOD! You're already anticipating a social anxiety disorder diagnosis!? This has all gone to shit. Hey, you know what, I simply suffer from FAD! That's Forum Asshole Disorder! I can't help but be an asshole in message forums! This is just a FAD!

But seriously, it really is. My advice is this: STOP. IT. And "it" represents whatever it is that you feel indicates a future SA diagnosis. Stop that shit. Everyone else is normal. Idiot. Quit sulking, you weirdo.


Two Words


Well-known member
Two Word's: It's Antarctica jeez and I think it's a cool name and my parents weren't drugged up but if that makes it seem more interesting than ok. Did you know that telling a person with social phobia to stop is like telling a person with cancer to just get better. it just doesn't stop. but that would be cool. i was so not sulking at all. and if i was, then nothing is wrong with that. people need to let it out. i'm not an idiot, i'm really smart. i tend to think mean people are the idiots heh heh wink. i am a weirdo and so proud. meh. if i was normal well...i'm glad i'm unique.

quit watching fight club it's brainwashing you.


Well-known member
i'm 15...

please just because i'm probably the youngest treat me like everyone else... seriously

..sorry about that (lol)

have a nice day :p


Well-known member
Antarctica said:
Hello my name is Antarctica (for real). I'm new here. Do I have social phobia? Well I am afraid of social things so I'd say yes. Lets see, I also haven't made a friend since 5th grade. I never really leave my room. I don't really let it get to me though. I'm going to go to a doctor. It's like, I crave being with people but I also force myself to enjoy being alone cuz I always am. I read, draw, write, day dream and listen to music. The show must go on!

Maybe I only think that because I'm 16. When I move out to go to college and I have no family I will probably be a hermit.

How old is everyone?

That is a beautiful name.

My age is 24.


Well-known member

That truely is a beautiful name. And dont you listen to Two Words, he has his own problems and at least unlike him our socialphobia doesnt try to tear others down.

I am new to this forum too and I turn 22 next week



Well-known member
I'm 21. I've never really been to a psychologist about it, but was prescribed Zoloft by the GP 3 years back. Funny thing is though I never took it because I got anxious about it! That's the way I work, and I'm not getting any better.