Post some random information about yourself


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I must have been about 4 years old when we were watching my parents set up a little kiddie pool for us. They repeatedly told me to stop jumping from the patio table to the moving glider, as I was bound to get hurt. Well.....

A few minutes later I had crashed mouth first into the back of said glider, severely screwing up my two front teeth. An emergency trip to the nearest dentist left me missing my two front teeth. I remember eating peaches and vanilla ice cream afterwards, since I guess mom felt sorry for me. So I guess it pays off to not listen to your parents.

Of course I had an awkward way of smiling for a few years. I was young enough to know that when people smiled they showed their teeth, so I showed mine, too. But I only had a full set on the bottom, so those were the ones I showed when I "smiled." Mom has several pictures where I'm smiling like that, and if ever I find one I'll post it.


Well-known member
as a toddler i was curious about the outcome of a spoon handle docking with a 120v powerpoint outlet, a hospital bed was the answer :( lol, true story that.

this one time me and two friends were having a great time at a moomba festival and we are jumping around beside this road eating fairy floss and this parade with marching band appears from nowhere, they are wearing outlandish costumes so we decided to join them and pretended that we were apart of the parade, it lasted the entire strip of the road with people in the crowd waving to us. the next morning i open the newspaper and there is a caption of the parade, it was a small scale mardigra, we just thought it was a standard parade, it was great for a laugh though.

while sweaty only one half of my face goes red while the other stays pale with a straight line down the middle of my face. rare but true. not exactly useful though, laugh out loud.
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Well-known member
When I was little, I was head butted by a calf.
It knocked my front tooth out, but it was a baby tooth, so it's not so bad. :)

lol, I've had that experience.

Been working with calves here on a farm for 2.5 years now, and when I started I used to kneel down to pet the little calves... got headbutted straight in the face. Lol. I think its an instinct they have to get milk, cause they headbutt their mother's udder to get the milk flowing. They also do it to play, quite often.

I still pet the little calves now, but Im more careful ::eek::


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Sometime when I'm sitting at the computer I feel like I'm typing on the spines of a giant sea urchin, each individual spine is a different letter. It's like each key becomes several feet long and the whole thing rolls up, displaying its array of key-spines. This is weird enough that sometimes it makes typing totally impossible.

Other times I feel as if I'm watching objects from odd perspectives. I'll look at a bottle and it appears normal, but eventually my view shifts so that I feel like I'm looking up at it from wayyy down below.

I occasionally have distorted sense of size too. I'll pick up a large book, but it feels sooo thin and if it were the size of a paperclip. Other times I get the opposite sensation and my hand feels as if each finger were a small needle grasping at the covers of the book. I can see that the sizes are normal, but they feel like the wrong size.
i can move my ears

Me too ::p:
I think I figured out how to do it back in middle school when I started wearing glasses. I just naturally started doing it when the glasses started sliding down my nose, and it was a while before I was even conscious of what I was doing... then I realized that I was using my ears to try to pull the glasses back up rather than using my hand to push them. Wearing glasses was so annoying that I only wore them for maybe three years... then I went to contact lenses and haven't worn glasses (except for sunglasses) since.


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I'm not a mixed eater. I have to eat everything on my plate one food at a time, mostly in order from least fav to fav. My family likes to tease me about it.


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My parents forced me to take Tai Kwon Do classes when I was about 5, and I used to cry the whole time I was there. lol.


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I get ignored... all the time. Online and in real life. I'm not interesting enough to have a one on one talk with anyone.


Active member
I get ignored... all the time. Online and in real life. I'm not interesting enough to have a one on one talk with anyone.

Hey, I feel the same way. I bet most people on this board do, it's just this illusion of ours. ;)

sry to go off topic...